A loud roar caused me to look up from the countless bodies. It was a roar I didn't quite recognize and as I searched for its owner my whole body froze once again. Fear sprung forth inside me, the emotion feeling like a cold heavy stone in my stomach as I watched Alpha John stagger on his feet. The three rogues tearing into his side as he desperately tried to shake them off. My fear quickly turned into rage as I watched a fourth one jump on him causing John's legs to finally give out underneath him. I snarled loudly as my back legs propelled me forward. Ducking my head I pushed to go even faster than before. Putting all my weight and momentum into it I barreled into the side of one of the rogues. The force of my hit causing his body to fly into another one, knocking them both off John. The first one didn't even have time to react before I was snapping my teeth in his Face. He was the one closest to me and thus became my first target. As I zeroed in on him I continued to eye the other rouge who was just getting to his feet, never taking my attention fully off of him as I took slow cautious steps. From the corner of my eye I seen John get back to his feet. Our bodies instinctively moved towards one another in a defensive maneuver. My left back leg brushed against his rear right flank as we were each now facing two rogues. A wolfish smirk grew on my lips as I watched the two rogues in front of me. One lunged forward trying to distract me as the other went to leap over me, trying to get to John. An annoyed growl ripped through my lips as I ignored the first attacker, did they really think such tricks would work on me? I bolted upright, my powerful jaws snapping shut around the second ones left front leg. Using all my body weight I yanked him back to the ground, slamming him into the dirt as hard as I could. A ear piercing yelp echoed around us as my canines crushed the bones in his leg. Shaking my head violently a feeling of pride filled me as my sharp teeth dug in even deeper. His flesh ripping and tearing away before his arm was severed from his shoulder.

Using the injury of his comrade as an opportunity to try and attack John once more, the other wolf surged forward. As I tossed the mashed up limb from my jaws, I spun around in time to grab hold of his tail. Jerking my head back as quickly as I could, the pups teeth missed their target as I pulled him away from John. My eyes briefly took notice that he was making quick work of his rogues as well, causing a odd emotion to swell within me. Digging my paws into the dirt I yanked the rogue further away from the scuffle by his tail. The wolf's head whipped around, jaws snapping towards my snout. Quickly I released my hold and snarled at him. He wasn't much older than I but he was nearly double my size, his wolf could give John's a run for the money.

'Come on Quinn, let's finish this quickly and check on the others.' I said as I let her come forward, giving her more control of our body.

'Agreed.' she said as I felt a wolfish grin spread on our lips once more.

We may not be as strong as him but we had speed on our side. He lunged forward only for us to side step him. He growled out in frustration, turning towards us once more. From my position I could see John and a few others watching our fight. The other three rogues lay dead behind them along with the bodies of many others. Someone must have put the rogue with the missing arm out of his misery. Mentally kicking myself I growled lowly because in my distraction the rogue slammed into me. My feet flew out from under me as the force of the hit sent me flying into a nearby tree. My head bounced off the sturdy object before a searing pain ran through my skull. Judging from the impact and warm wetness forming at the back of my head I'm guessing I have a nice head laceration. Quinn pushed forward more, giving us a burst of energy. Jumping to my feet as the rogue lunged towards us again, we waited until he was close enough before ducking to the side. A loud thud, followed by a pained whine sounded from behind me as he ran head first into the truck of the tree. Snorts of laughter could be heard from around us as I spun around quickly to face him, I watched as he stood on all fours. Shaking his head, he turned to face me. Seeming to never learn the dumb wolf lunged forward once again. Side stepping him, we waited until his neck was inches away before latching onto it. Our canines digging in even deeper as he frantically tried to shake out of our hold.

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