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"Do you have any ideas?" I asked looking over Taehyung's shoulder.

"I'm working on it," he snapped quietly, looking around the corner quickly to make sure the coast was clear.

"Well can you work on it faster?" I asked.

Taehyung turned his gaze on me, narrowing his eyes. "You asked me to get you out of here and I am-"

"I didn't ask you, you're the one who-"

"But," he interrupted, "If you can't wait then I'll let you go and watch you get captured again. Its your choice really."

I frowned and crossed my arms, "Fine take your time then."

"Just follow my lead alright?"

"What are we doing?"

"You'll see."


"Hey," Taehyung called pushing me forward, my hands tied in front of me, "I found him."

The two men that were guarding the exit looked over at us, smiles appearing on their faces. "That a boy Taehyung, great job. Jimin will be very happy indeed."

"He should raise your pay check," the other guard said, stepping forward.

Taehyung chuckled, "Its not like I get one anyway."

The laughed at that as the first guard put a hand on my shoulder, "We'll take him from here."

I tensed as the smile slowly slipped from Taehyung's face, his expression turning into a mask. "Its alright, I can take him."

"Nope boss's orders. He wants this guy with him. A sort of welcoming gift for some guy named Jackson."

"Yeah," the shorter guard replied, "Isn't that the guy of the Wang Organization?" He snorted turning his gaze on me, "What's so special about this guy? I heard that Jackson was going to give up his company for him."

Taehyung chuckled, but I could tell it was forced. He knocked the guard's hand from my shoulder, replacing it with his own. "Sorry to cut this short gentlemen, but I'll be taking him now."

"Now hang on just a minute Taehyung," the first guard stepped into our path, "How about a few drinks before you go."

"That's very generous of you but I think its time that I turn this guy in, don't you agree?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes of course, but we'll take him."

I sighed, guess I'll have to interfere. I stepped forward quickly sending a long knee into the first guards abdomen. That caused him to double over in pain gasping for air. From my peripheral vision I saw the short guard making his way towards me; knife in hand. I undid the knot that held my hands together and turned my attention to him. Taehyung stepped forward to intervene, but I got there first.

He took a swing with his blade, I stepped back, as he continued to swing aimlessly. Really? And these guys were apart of Jimin's "mafia" organization. This is just sad. I grabbed his arm, pulling him towards me; sending a long knee to his abdomen as well. He doubled over just like the first guard. I knocked the knife out of his hand, then twisted his arm behind his back.

He winced as Taehyung took care of the first guard. "Taehyung,"he gasped out, " What the hell are you doing? When Jimin hears about this he's gonna-"

"As if I care. When headquarters hears about what you've been up to," he chuckled, "Let's just say you'll be spending some extra time behind bars."


"You know, I'm surprised," Taehyung said as we hurried down a flight of stairs. "Didn't know you could fight that well."

"Just because I left doesn't mean I forgot what I was taught."

"I guess thats true. Sorry for getting you entangled in this mess. I know you have your daughter to look after and all."

I hummed as we reached the bottom of the stairs, I pushed the door open only to be met with a dark sky full of stars. Taehyung slipped past me and hurried over to a car that was concealed behind a row of bushes.

"Get in," he hissed.

I blinked and hurried over to the car, jumping in and buckling my seat belt. It came alive as Taehyung backed out of the hidden spot and down a dirt road well concealed from the naked eye.

"Where are we going?"

"I'm taking you to Jackson, he's waiting for us not to far from here."

"Jackson? But I thought he was-"

"Going to actually show up? No. But the police will be showing up and that's all that matters."

A small smile appeared on my face, my body suddenly becoming exhausted. I'll be seeing Jackson and Maxien soon. I closed my eyes, exhaustion and darkness taking over.

Yeah, not my best chapter. Uggg this was so bad guys I swear. I feel like I could have done better honestly. Well thats it guys! That was the last chapter! I hope you enjoyed!

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