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You know all of this could have been easily avoided but no I'm out here freezing my butt off for some guy that I don't trust, and for what? Just because he says he has information on the blue moon?

I mean, I had a bad feeling about this guy for awhile but now its full out worry. I mean this guy could be a serial killer for all I know. If he wasn't then a kidnapper would be a possible answer too.

Of course, if anyone tried to put their hands on me, they would end up with something broken. Yeah, don't forget I have extensive hand to hand combat. With another sigh I looked at my watch and looked around.

Well if he's not coming then I might as well leave.

I stuffed my hands in my pockets as I began to walk back down the sidewalk. I know Jackson was going to be home soon and I didn't want to explain why I was out late.

"So you're going to leave? What a shame."

I turned around to find Jimin leaning against the wall. He held up an envelope and grinned as he looked at me.

"I have to say you look cuter the second time-"

"Cut the crap and tell me what you know."

He smiled and pushed off the wall, then faced me, "That information doesn't come for free cutie."

"How much money do you want? I'll pay for the information."

"Oh I'm sure you will, but I'm not talking about money.*

He smirked as his eyes looked past me. I frowned but didn't have time to turn around. Something hit me in the back of my head. I felt myself falling before I was met with darkness.


" I thought I told you to be careful with him."

"I was careful with him, he barely has a scratch on him."

I groaned as I slowly regained consciousness. I winced and raised my head as I slowly looked around at my surroundings. Dark, cold, wet. Great.

"Oh you're up cutie? Took you long enough."

I looked over at Jimin and closed my eyes as I felt a wave of dizziness hit me. Jimin chuckled.

"Yeah, careful there. Someone hit you too hard."

"Shut up Jimin."

My eyes snapped open when I recognized the voice. I looked over at the other person in the room. "Taehyung?"

He smiled, "Hey. Good to see you."

"Wish I could say the same."

He shrugged and walked over to Jimin, then returned his attention back to me. "Oh sorry about that bruise."

I glared at him, "If I could kick your-"

"Yeah but you can't. You know why? Because you're tied up." He chuckled, "And helpless. Which is why you'll make perfect bait for Jackson."

Jimin chuckled, "And when he gets here we'll get rid of him. Sounds fun right?" He smiled as he looked at his watch. "He should be here in a few hours tops once he realizes that his cute Markie is gone. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show."

King Of Hearts  (Markson) Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now