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I coughed, my body shaking as the man stepped away from me. I glared at him spitting out the disgusting substance in my mouth. Like they expected me to swallow that. As if. Jimin sighed, his eyes narrowing, the sign of his frustration.

"You know," he said standing up from the chair that he was sitting in, "You can make this a whole lot easier on yourself if you just give in."

I snorted, "Jimin you know...what everyone says about you isn't true. You actually do have a sense of humor."

My cheek exploded with pain as Jimin lowered his hand.

"I'm surprised we haven't broken you yet you know with all the forced sex your body has been through."

I winced slightly as I looked at him. "You can do whatever you want to me, but I'm not going to give in to you," I snapped.

"Aww your so full of confidence and power. You really think that's going to last?" Jimin shook his head, "It won't. I'll find a way to break you and once I do..."

He trailed off as he turned to look at Taehyung who was sitting across from them, reloading guns. Taehyung glanced for a minute then returned his gaze back to the gun in his hand.

"If I were you," he began slowly, "I would rethink your plan."

"Excuse me?"

"You shouldn't mess with the Wang organization, especially Jackson." Taehyung set the gun down on the table; looking up at Jimin. "Jackson will not forgive you for what you've done to him," he nodded at Mark.

"Do you think I care? I'm not afraid of him."

"But you will be once he figures out that you've given his body up to someone else like that. Like I said, Jackson will not forgive you. He's not the forgiving type."

"You better not be getting cold feet now," Jimin snapped.

"I'm not, I'm simply saying. Your plan was a mistake."

Jimin glared at him, "How about I pick up one of these guns and accidentally shot you in the fucking head. How about that?"

Taehyung held up his hands, "I'm not getting dragged into anymore of your shit Jimin."

I watched as the two continued to bicker, but while they were doing that, I took that time to figure out a way to escape. Handcuffs were a round my wrist, keeping me from using my hands but that wouldn't prevent me from trying to get out. Now I just had to figure out a way to unlock them. All of my hair pins were at home, and all the hidden weapons were in the corner of the room leaving mr bare minus the sheet Taehyung had wrapped around me.

Besides all that, finding a way to escape was going to take some time. I returned his attention to Taehyung and Jimin.

"You know what, I'll go out and see if that asshole is here. You make sure you keep an eye on him," Jimin shot a glare at me; one I returned before turning on his heel, slipping past a door that shut and locked behind him.

Now it was just Taehyung and I, how lovely. He sighed and sat back down in the cold metal chair tapping his finger on the table. If I was going to escape, then the time is now.

"Why are you working for him?" I asked.

Taehyung raised an eyebrow, turning his gaze on me, "I'm not working with for him."

"Then why are you working with him?"

"I'm not working with him either. I'm sort of...getting inside information."

"Inside information? Wait, so you're trying to-"

"Mess up his plans. Yeah. But...the fellow is stubborn so its going to take a little more work."

"If you were working behind his back this time, then why didn't you help me earlier?"

"If I did, we'd both be dead right now. Its better if you know as little as possible. But for the time being, let's get you out of those handcuffs. Your husband is on his way and he's bringing a group of pissed off relatives with him."


I just wanted to thank you guys for sticking with me for this long. I know I suck at my updating process but I'm trying ^^. Anyway, thank you guys again!

King Of Hearts  (Markson) Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now