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I opened my eyes to find the sun shining softly through the windows. The room was filled with the soft morning light. I sat up and looked around the room. There were clothes on the floor, I blushed when I remembered the events from last night.

Speaking of which, we're was Jackson? I removed the blankets and stood up only to fall on my butt. I winced as pain shot through my hips and up my back.

"Shit, that hurts," I mumble.

"Why are you on the floor?"

I glared up at Jackson who was standing in the doorway, arms crossed over his chest. He was only wearing pants. I blushed again when I realized I was still naked. I pulled the blanket off the bed than wrapped it around me.

Jackson rolled his eyes and walked into the room.

"I've seen you naked Markie, it's not a big deal."

"It is of you're my size."

He chuckled again and tossed me an extra large shirt, I slipped it on over my head.

"So, why are you on the floor?" Jackson asked again.

"You know why."

"Do I?" he put a finger on his chin pretending to think. "Oh, I remember now. You wanted me to fuck you until you couldn't walk. Looks like I accomplished that."

"Don't look so happy you ass. You did it too hard last night."

"You seemed to enjoy it, with you moaning and all."

"S-shut up! Anyway, I'm hungry."

He chuckled, "Downstairs, oh but it looks like you won't be able to get downstairs without assistance."

He was being a real asshole right now. If I could stand, I'd kick him in his freaking balls.

"Cam you please carry me downstairs? I'm hungry and that's not good for you or me."

He picked me up bridal style then carried me downstairs and sat me in a chair at the dining table. He walked back into the kitchen, moments later he returned with a plate full of fruit, bacon and eggs.

"Thank you."

He kissed my temple, "You're welcome."



"Can you hand me my phone?"


"I want to check up on some things back home."

"Mark, its our honeymoon-"

"Give me the goddamn phone Jackson or you can forget about me riding you for awhile."

"So what I'm hearing is that you'll ride me if I give you your phone?"

"Jackson fucking Wang! Give me the fucking phone now!"

"Alright, alright, gosh what are you? On your period or something?"

He grabbed my phone off the counter them handed it to me. I snatched it out of his hand, then called Yugyeom. It was already ten in the morning there.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Yugyeom, is everything alright?"

"Mark, Maxien is fine. Your house is fine. Everything is fine so don't worry."

"Can I talk to Maxien?'

"She's at school right now, but I'll let her know you said hi."


"Mark, its your honeymoon, enjoy it."


The other end went dead. That goddamn, good for nothing..... I sighed and put my phone down.

"Everything okay?" Jackson asked.

"I need to make sure Maxien is okay."

"Mark, she's fine alright? Relax and enjoy the honeymoon."

I sighed and nodded, he was right. I had to enjoy this moment right now with Jackson.

Sorry it's short, next chapter coming soon.

King Of Hearts  (Markson) Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now