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"If I was you I'd have someone do the wedding plans for me."

I looked over at Yugyeom who was helping me pick out a dress for Maxien.

"Why would I want to do that?"

"Because, then you have more time to spend with Jackson," he replied smiling.

"I'm spending time with Jackson, and besides well have time together on our wedding day."

"I think you mean you're wedding night," he said.

I punched him on his arm, he laughed, causing people to look at us. I shushed him and continued to look through the dresses.

"So, when are you and Jackson going to have kids?"

I think I almost choked on my own saliva.


"Kids. You. Jackson. When?"

"You're very straight forward on your questions aren't you?" I asked.

He chuckled, "You know me, always asking those important questions."

"How is that, in anyway important?" I asked.

"Well, I want to know-"

"I don't think it's any of your business when we have kids."

"So you are going to have kids?"

I rolled my eyes, and turned my attention back to the dresses. It's not that I don't want t kids, I do but..... I'm a little scared. I mean, what if something happens and we can't protect our kids.

We could barely protect Maxien, and she was the only kid at the time. I sighed and looked at a white dress, with small pearls around the waist.

"This one would look cute on Maxien huh?"

"Yes, that would look adorable on her."

I smiled and decided to get it, I looked around some more just in case anything else looked interesting. After a few more minutes of shopping, we both walked out of the store with two bags.

In one of them was Maxine's dress, and in the other..... I had no idea. Yugyeom's the one who bought it, so maybe he got something for himself.


"Were home," I called as I walked through the front door.

I heard footsteps slapping against the floor, then I saw Maxien come around the corner with a big smile on her face.

"Mommy, you're back."

She hugged me around the waist, I chuckled and hugged her back.

"I'll take those," Yugyeom said grabbing the bag from me.

I thanked him as he walked around the corner. I smiled down at Maxien, she let go and took my hand, dragging me into the living room.

"Daddy's taking a shower upstairs."

Maxien sat on the couch and turned the TV to her favorite channel. Powerpuff girls. I smiled as I watched buttercup punch some kid. If you ask me, this show gives bad examples of behavior.

"Hey, Maxien, I'll be back okay? I'm going to go change."

"Okay," she said not looking away from the screen.

I kissed her forehead then made my way upstairs, Yugyeom came out of the kitchen.

"Dinner is going to be ready soon," he said.

I nodded, and continued upstairs. After a while, Yugyeom decided to live with us. I'm not complaining, he's a big help.

I walked into our bedroom and closing the door behind me. I took my shoes off and sat on the edge of the bed. The bathroom door opened and Jackson came out.

Wearing nothing but a towel, he smiled when he saw me, but I didn't return it. My eyes traveled down his chest to the towel. I blushed when I realized I was staring. I looked away.

Jackson's P. O. V

Mark looked away, his cheeks red. I smiled and walked over to him, I made sure my towel was low on my hips before I came out of the bathroom.

I stood in front of Mark, and tilted my head.

"What's wrong Mark?"

"N-nothing," he replied.

His stuttering and red face gave it away that he was lying. I frowned slightly and turned his head to face me.

"You know how much I hate being lied to."

He nodded.

"So then why are you lying to me? "

Mark bit his lip and blushed more, his eyes glancing at my lips then looking back at me.

I smiled and leaned towards him until my lips skimmed his neck. His breathing quickened.

"Then don't do it unless you want me to punish you."

"Then do it daddy."

He was begging me to do something. I bit his neck softly, his back arched. I chuckled and pulled away.

"You'll have to wait, until our wedding night."

He blushed, "Why?"

"I want to take my time when I take you."

I left the room, leaving my soon to be wife in our bedroom alone.

How was that? I liked it haha. Chapter Three coming soon!

King Of Hearts  (Markson) Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now