Chapter 14: The First Flight

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Hey guys! How're ya doing? This chapter really took me long to write. These past weeks were crazy and I barely had any free time. I know how bad is waiting for the new chapter for weeks. So, please, forgive me. 

Chapter 14: The First Lesson

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Hiccup blinked his eyes open. The rays of the sun were filling the room. He turned the alarm off and slumped back on his bed. Yesterday's events flashed in front of his eyes. A smile tugged the corners of his lips. Flying was amazing!

There, in the air, he forgot about all of his worries- it didn't matter who he was, he wasn't worried about his dad finding out his secret, or about his feelings for Astrid. He was feeling... free.

And now he was going to feel all of that again. But this time he wouldn't be a passenger. He would be the one guiding the plane through the skies, all by himself. He wanted to see Berk from the sky again, soar in the clouds, and watch the sunset.

The young engineer sighed happily. He couldn't express how grateful he was that Gobber decided to teach him. To be honest, he didn't think he could have learned to fly watching videos on the internet. But he was too stubborn to admit that.

Hiccup sat up, stretched and began getting ready for work.


The auburn-haired man couldn't wipe the smile off his face. When he entered the building, people were giving him weird looks. It wasn't normal to be smiling out of nowhere and on Monday no less.

"Hey, Fish," he greeted cheerfully when he entered the room. Fishlegs eyed him weirdly and then said.

"What happened? Why are you so happy?"

Hiccup shrugged. "Can't I just be happy?"

Fishlegs looked at him skeptically. "First of all, you're not a morning person. And secondly, it's Monday. As much as you love your job, you still hate Mondays."

Hiccup took off his backpack and sat on the chair. He couldn't argue with Fishlegs. He wasn't a morning person and he hated Mondays. Seriously, who in the Midgard loved Mondays?

However, there was no way he would tell Fishlegs about the plane. The blonde man was his best friend but he was awful at keeping secrets.

"I'm just happy, that's all."

Fishlegs eyed him for some time. He knew that Hiccup was lying. The husky man smirked.

"You weren't this happy since that date with Astrid," he said casually, turning back to his computer and continuing his work.

"Yeah," Hiccup said a love-struck expression on his face and then stopped. "Wait! How did you know about it!?" He didn't remember telling Fishlegs about it! How did he find out!?

Fishlegs laughed at his friend's reaction when Hiccup was still watching him baffled.

"I saw you when we were walking in the park with Meatlug," he said and after some time, added. "I think you were enjoying yourselves."

Hiccup glared at him. "We were just having a picnic when Toothless and Stormfly were playing. That's all."

"I don't think so," Fishlegs answered nonchalantly. He would not let Hiccup get away with this.

"I think my dad will be overjoyed knowing that you're slacking because you decided to discuss my love life," he answered. He didn't like using his dad for getting what he wanted, but now he really wanted to drop the subject. Actually, this time, Hiccup didn't even know if he was using sarcasm. His dad was very interested in his love life and was urging him to find a girl since he was seventeen.

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