"The Council is awaiting your arrival in the meeting, I take it you knew your way Alpha Stone?" the Butler said as they stepped inside.

"Yes, thank you." He said I just followed as he walked deeper into the house. I was trying to memorize the way we came so if I needed to run I knew how to get out, though I doubt I would make it very far. After a few hallways and a couple right and left turns we came to a heavy wooden door and Gavin turned the handle and opened the door and motioned for me to step inside. As soon as I entered I could smell Lucas's scent, along with my..father... oh god. I straightened my spine and tried to look confident as I entered the room was Gavin following closely behind.

"Ah welcome, you must be Samantha" one of the 5 older gentlemen said as they were all seated behind a long desk, it almost looked like an old court room. I glanced quickly at my father who look beyond guilty and slightly ashamed.

"Yes, a pleasure to meet all of you." I responded.

"The pleasure is ours, now Alpha Wolfe has told us his reasons for wanting you back in his territory along with your father's claim. Alpha Stone do you have anything you would like to say before we finalize our decision on Miss York here." Another one of the Council stated and I glanced at Gavin wondering if he would defend me and my place in his pack or if he was just going to hand me over.

"Council members I think you should consider allowing Samantha to make her own decision on which pack she belongs to, she is almost 18. She came to my pack seeking to be with her mother and get away from Alpha Lucas, she pledged her allegiance to my pack which you know I do not take lightly. She has a home, she is attending school online and working diligently to get her degree and also in her spare time has been studying the werewolf culture and rules due to her knowing nothing till a few months ago." Gavin explained and part of me felt like there was hope, he did defend me maybe there was still some hope for us.

"Alpha Stone, I'm sure Miss York failed to mention she snuck off and ran away from home. Her father who has custody has asked for her return and as his Alpha, Alpha Lucas has petitioned for his pack member to be returned." One of the men stated.

"I left letters, I wanted to leave I was so unhappy in Alpha Lucas's pack. I do not want to return to his pack I am happy where I am with my mother! Who are you to decide my fate." I said feeling angry that they were talking about me as if I were some young silly juvenile running away from home. How dare my father help Lucas try and bring me back I would never forgive him for this.

"Be quiet." Gavin hissed under his breath.

"Miss York our decision will stay the same as it was before you arrived. You will return with your father and Alpha Lucas till your are 18. Once you turn 18 you are free to choose where you will reside. Now if there is nothing further we have other matters we would like the attend to." One of the Council member decreed.

"No!" I yelled.

"Miss York do not make us treat you as a criminal and have you brought to the cells." One man hissed.

"I'd prefer that than to return to Alpha Lucas's pack." I spat back angrily and they suddenly looked thoughtful and perplexed by my response.

"Sam don't do this, they can have you tried for defiance or treason. They made their decision now you have to listen." Gavin said as he gave me a defeated look.

"Looks like you got what you wanted, this little brat is gone and out of your life! Just leave Alpha Stone, you presence is no longer required!" I yelled at him.


"Don't, just go!!" I yelled trying to fight back tears.

"The beach house will always be open for you..." he said and began to leave. Before he exited the room I turned back to the council.

"If I am to return with Alpha Lucas I will return as a rouge." I stated and Gavin spun around and the look of horror on his face nearly made me choke on my words but I knew what I was doing. As a rouge I would not belong to any pack, I would have allegiance to no one and I wouldn't have to live with my father, I would spend my time in a cell till my 18th birthday. The council looked at me thoughtfully, apparently they found me amusing and interesting. They all looked at each other and were nodding at each other when Gavin spoke up.

"You are not actually considering her request are you?" he roared.

"Alpha Stone you know as well as we do she did not make a request she made a statement. She has declared herself a rouge, she will be brought to Alpha Lucas's pack as a rouge and treated as such. At any point she will be allowed to pledge her allegiance to his pack and change her status until then Samantha York is a rouge." They announced and all stood to leave.

"What have you done!?" Gavin yelled at her.

"I'd rather die a rouge than join his pack. You can go now Alpha Stone, the council is finished." I replied coolly when Lucas appeared in front of me and suddenly shackled my wrists with silver handcuffs. I hissed as they burned my skin and Gavin looked like he was about to lose his mind.

"You heard her Gavin, you can leave. I will be taking this rouge back to my territory. Don't worry I'll treat her better than I treat the other rouge I have in the cells." Lucas said o Gavin with a smirk and a wink.

"I swear Lucas if you harm her in any way I will kill you." Gavin threatened angrily.

"Why so protective over her Gavin? She is my mate after all..." Lucas whispered and he studied Gavin for a moment.

"Your mate is your Luna at home, pregnant with your pup. You should remember that unless you would like me to bring the real story to the council and see what they have to say. You know what happens to Alpha's who mate with another she wolf who isn't their true mate. I wonder how they would feel knowing not only did you do that but you knowingly stole another Alpha's rightful Luna..." Gavin threatened and Lucas paled.

"You wouldn't, you know you would put Jen and a pup in danger..." he whispered and he was right neither Gavin or Sam was willing to risk the unborn pup's life...

"Good silence, now move so I can bring this rouge back to my territory." Lucas said as he taunted Gavin.

"Sammie..." Gavin whispered his eyes full of regret.

"Tell Denver not to blame himself...or you. I knew what I was doing Gavin.. good-bye..." I said sadly knowing that my future was uncertain. Even if I made it to my birthday without dying or losing my mind I wasn't sure where I would end up after all this was over.

"Don't say good bye." Gavin pleaded and I just looked at the ground and followed my father and Lucas out of the meeting room and towards the front door.

I'm Sorry AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now