Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I found the store easily enough; the town was so small you really couldn't get that lost. I walked into the store and grabbed a cart and started making my way around the store, grabbing the essentials, lots of meat, fruit and veggies and then made my way to the snack isle and that's when I realized just how hungry I was. That's when suddenly I went to push my cart and it didn't move.

"You must be new." The large guy that was standing in front of my cart said. Normally I would feel afraid at seeing a guy this large who I didn't know but for some reason he didn't seem all that scary.

"Yeah I just moved into town with my dad and my older brother."

"Oh you must be Samantha York." He replied and I suddenly felt a little creeped out that he knew my name.

"How do you know my name?" I asked slowly not wanting to sound scared or nervous.

"This is a small town, everyone knows everything. Besides my mom is the town gossip to I hear everything. She knew your dad growing up and was so excited that an old friend was moving back to town that she couldn't stop talking about him and his two kids, Samantha and Tyler." He said with a casual shrug.

"Well you can call me Sammie and since you know my name it's only fair I know yours." I replied trying to sound cool.

"Jake Malloy." He said and held out his hand for me to shake so I did quickly.

"Nice to meet you Jake, now I have to get back to shopping, my snacks are very important to me." I said and he laughed.

"Ok, I'm sure we'll be seeing each other around." He said and walked away but I noticed he didn't leave, almost as if he was making sure everything was going smoothly. What a strange town with strange people. I finished picking out what I wanted and headed to the register, the girl at the checkout was trying to be friendly and she was probably my age but after my run in with Jake I really wasn't in the mood to chat. Something weird seemed to be going on and I just wanted to get home.

I walked into the house carrying the bags and noticed dad and Tyler weren't back yet. So I brought all the groceries into the house by myself which really put me in a bad mood and started to put them away. I guess I could organize the kitchen however I wanted since they weren't home. I felt like it took forever to put everything away and just as I was finishing they walked in the front door looking stressed out. They had some sleeping bags and a few other things but not much, they couldn't have been gone that long debating which sleeping bags to buy. Also I don't think shopping stressed people of this bad, they look like someone just killed their dog.

"What took so long?" I asked and they jumped at the sound of my voice, this was just getting weirder.

"We had to go to a few places, one store didn't have everything I was looking for. My dad replied.

"Well it's not like you bought much." I said as I pointed to the bags they had brought in.

"Apparently small towns don't carry what the big corporate stores do. I'll have to venture out tomorrow to get what else we need." He said with a shrug.

"Ok how about you guys explain why you looked like someone killed your best friend or something, something is definitely going on and I'm tired of being out of the loop." I demanded and crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"Sit down." My dad said.

"What?" I said surprised that I had been right.

"Sam just sit down please." My dad said with a heavy sigh so I sat down at one of the stools.

"Should I be scared?" I asked.

"No, just have an open mind ok sweet pea." He said gently and his tone just gave me the chills.

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