Chapter 3

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A/N: I'm sorry it's been so long since I've updated, I have loads of ideas for this book but not really been writing. I didn't have much motivation but thank you to those who have read, voted and commented ~ it has given me a push to update. Xx
Also obviously iris wouldn't have a coffee or comfortable place to sit and read like in the picture shown in the media section thing but just imagine it's just the book pleaseee thanks x

☀︎ Iris ☀︎

I went to my room and did a few online courses. I went on Memrise aswell to keep my
language ability's up. I decided to do some Greek and spent a few hours on that. My Greek is pretty fluent so I got 100% on every quiz. The best and only confidence booster I ever get is from websites telling me that I'm good at whatever I'm doing.

I hear another noise from downstairs, this time I don't go to check it out. Instead I put the laptop away and grab a book. I didn't really look but ended up with Hart van Inkt (Inkheart) by Cornelia Funke. I got a tattered copy from my father. He had found it in a charity shop for fifty cents and gave it to me as a birthday gift. It's one of my favourites. I know it's the first of a trilogy but I haven't read the others - and I may never. The idea of never knowing what happens makes my heart ache but for now I'll make up my own endings.

After about half an hour I glance at the old broken watch I placed on one of my two boxes containing all my possessions. It was time to make dinner (normally everyone sorted themselves out for lunch and I only cooked breakfast and dinner.) I made my way back to the kitchen and started cooking a pasta dish.

I set the three meals on the table each with a glass of water. As the smell spread through the house it called Marie down. Followed by mother. And finally - fortunately - followed by Sang. Sang, who looked thunderously angry.

I knew she would do nothing in front of mother, since mother hates her too, but her face and dark aura terrified me. To no end.

They all sat at the table. Mother at the head and sang and Marie either side. I stood at the kitchen counter. As they ate they didn't make any conversation; I thought about what I'd read about families in books. They seem so warm, welcoming and well-wishing but my reality is far from that. Sometimes I wonder if they are my real family, however I do hold some resemblance to my father.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of chairs scraping. I clear the table and they leave. Except Sang. She watches me go to throw away the left over food, but stops me. She sits me at the table and pours all the left over food into one bowl.

"Eat" her one word command sets something off in me and I do as she says.

When I'm done she grabs my hair and drags me to the bathroom. She locks the door and my heart starts pounding against my ribs.

"Kneel down in front is the toilet." She demands. I do as she says.
"Throw it up" She then orders. I do as she says, since this isn't the first time I've been made to do this I'm quick and efficient at getting all the food out.

It burns my oesophagus as the food is forced from my stomach. I hate this, it's one of the worst punishments. I feel full, being allowed to actually eat a meal for once and then it's taken away from me. Pure torture.

When I'm done I turn to Sang. She slaps me once, kicks my stomach and then leaves. She croaked out her parting comment "Mother may not like me, but she hates you" she always says things like that to make me feel bad. By now I'm used to it so I ignore her comment and clean myself up.

I get changes into a different pair of baggy guys sweats and a large hoodie and then I sneak out. I should probably go to bed since I have to get up unreasonably early, but I need to get out and walk around.

I decide to explore the woods. I creep to the tree line and then run though to woodland, barefoot and free. My feet become coated in dirt and twigs dig into my soft flesh, however I ignore all that and revel in this fleeting moment of absolute freedom.

It feels like years since I've smiled like this. Not a small smile which graces my face while reading a book, no. A full on, face splitting, enormous, tooth-exposing grin. 

I slow down and look up at green trees towering above my head. Encasing me in nature. As I take deep breaths the sweet leafy scents seep into my lungs and calm me to my core.

I stumble across a large tree with branches low enough to climb. So I do. I climb as high as I can and sit immersed in the leaves. I stare at the darkening sky and sigh. If only I could stay here forever.

I hear footsteps below me followed by voices.

"What do you think of that bird?" One asks to another.
"She seems nice enough, but..." he starts.
"There's something not quite right about her" the other finishes. 'They must know each other really well' I think to myself 'I wish I had a close friend like that.'

I try get a closer look at them and climb down a few branches but I don't look where I'm going. My foot slips and I try to catch myself with my arm but fail and land on the ground with a thud. Right in from of them.


Comment who you think the two guys are (there's not much to go on yet but bare with me)

Or comment who you want the two guys to be ;)

Thanks for reading xx

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