Chapter 7

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My heavy eyes peel open again and I take in my surroundings. I realise that I'm laying uncomfortably in the bathtub and that's when all the pain comes rushing back. I let out a muffled whine, almost silent, however it holds all my pain and anguishing feeling in this moment.

After gaining control of my breathing and letting the pain lessen slightly, I climb gracelessly out of the tub, and grab some rubbing alcohol to splash on my wounds. It's not much, but it's the best I can do.

Once I've finished wincing and cleaning the wounds I can reach, I unlock the bathroom door and hobble out to start on my chores. I had only been asleep for about an hour and so I shouldn't be in too much trouble. If I manage to clean as much as possible and do come cooking or something before I am noticed then I should be-

"Iris!" Mother called, sickly sweet. Dangerously sweet.

Oh gosh. That didn't go to plan.

"C-coming m-m-Mother" I reply, terrified.

I stumble down the stairs as fast as possible and walk to mother.

"Y-yes m-mother?" I look at her warily.

"You didn't prepare breakfast. I had to make it myself." She begins, eerily calm.

"I-I-I'm s-sorry! I-I d-didn't mean t-to, I-I-" she cuts me off.

"Don't speak over me, leech." She raises her voice, eyes full of rage, and then she goes back to her 'calm' demeanour. "I had to make breakfast this morning and since you obviously need some energy, I decided to make you some breakfast too" my treacherous heart speeds up, 'does mother finally love me?' I begin to get excited and let mother lead me to the dining table.

On the table is a cutlery set, perfectly set up for one, with a drinks mat for the yellowish Apple juice looking drink and a place mate for the bowl of what looks like oatmeal.

I sit down, once told, and can barely contain my grin. 'Maybe I'm one of the family now! Maybe mother excepts me! Maybe it's all gonna be okay!'

"Eat" somehow that one word command warms my heart and brings a smile to my lips and I carefully reach over to grab my drink, I bring it too my mouth, too excited to inhale the scent of this thoughtful beverage first as I bring the glass rim to my lips and take a large sip.

It burns.

I cough and splutter as I taste the familiar burn of lemon juice and vinegar. It burn my throat as it slides down, my entire body protesting against the liquids my eyes water and my mouth goes dry.

"Drink it all" mother demands "after all, I made it for you."

I decide that before I take another sip I need to calm the burn of my throat with some oatmeal, so I take my spoon and carefully scoop some up and taste it.

It's the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted.

It's as cold as ice and tastes as if Mother threw every slice in her spice rack into it, just to spite me. I feel tears prick my eyes again now because of the pain this time, but because of my heart. I let myself get my hopes up. And now I have to suffer my punishment.

Mother leaves me to finish my meal, and I do. Every last morsel. I know in the back of my head that she probably wouldn't know if I threw a bit away or poured some of the horrible drink away, but the larger, louder part of my mind tells me that mother would know. She always knows.

I go about my daily tasks and try ignoring the pain in my back and throat as much as possible. It's hard but I persevere.

When I'm done I finally get changed into a massively baggy hoody and leggings and then walk outside, to take a walk.

After walking aimlessly for a few minutes I hear footsteps and panting. Suddenly I hear a twig snap and then behind me is Nathan!

"Iris!" He says, surprised.

"H-hi N-N-Nathan" I reply with a small smile.

"It's funny I should run into you, since I was just thinking of asking you something." Nathan said, smiling.

"W-w-what did y-you want t-t-to ask?" I question, nervous suddenly.

"Would you like to come to my house for a pool party at around 10?" Nathan asked "it's just a small gathering and I thought it would be nice if you came!" He beamed hopefully at me.

My heart swelled, I had never been wanted anywhere before, I couldn't refuse. "S-sure! B-but I w-won't swim-m j-just wa-watch" I answer, smiling back.

Nathan's face lights up which makes my heart flutter again. Why does he care so much? I push those thoughts aside and say "I-I've got to g-g-go b-back now, b-but I'll see you l-later!" I walk back to my house and in all the way to my tiny attic room.

One question on my mind.

What the hell am I going to wear??!

Hey guys! This chapter is unedited and rough but I wanted to get it up because I'm excited about what's to come! I hope you enjoyed it, please comment and vote if you did! Love ya'll <3

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