Chapter 25 ~ Christmas

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Yuju's POV

The next few days, I decided to stay at the dorm while the boys were off doing whatever, most likely helping with the collaboration. I put up Christmas decorations to spread some holiday cheer, and I hung lights all around the place.

"Wah, Yuju, it looks amazing in here," Vernon said, taking off his woolen jacket.

It was already Christmas Eve, and he was right — I was pretty happy with my handiwork. There were lights everywhere, snowflake and gingerbread men decorations, and not to mention, a huge Christmas tree, complete with a whole bunch of presents. We decided to keep our festivities to the fifteen of us instead of including TWICE, because we wanted it to be more special.

"It's Christmas tomorrow," Hoshi sang in a happy voice.

"I can't wait," Dino grinned. "Thank you so much for decorating noona."

"No problem dongsaeng," I smiled.

"Did everyone find everything on the day we went shopping?" Seungcheol asked.

Heads nodded up and down all over the room, including Jiyeon's.

"On one note," Mingyu said. "I think we should do something different. Why don't we do a Secret Santa?"

"What's that?" Dokyeom asked.

"We each right our names on slips of paper and put them in a hat, and we each draw one person's name. Tonight, let's go out and get a small gift for the person whose name you draw," Mingyu explained.

"Sounds good to me," Jisoo grinned.

"Then let's start, shall we?" Woozi smiled.

Jeonghan brought out some index cards and pens for us to write our names on. I quickly signed the paper with a flourish, then stuck it into the baseball cap Mingyu set out. Soon enough, the hat was tossed and we each had to draw a name.

I fingered the slips of paper until I finally decided on one. I unfolded the index card.


I slipped it into my pocket and smiled. My older brother. I'd known him all my life. Now, I just had to find something to get him.

Seungcheol drove all of us to the everything store, where they literally had almost anything you could think of. I pondered about what to get my older brother, because if it was small, I wanted it to be a small momento. Something that he would cherish and remember.

And that's when I saw it. I giggled.

It was a small, tiny angel ornament. On the back in Korean it read, "To my angel from your little sister."

That was the part that shocked me, because it was essentially everything that I would've said. It was perfect, yet also kind of humorous.

I bought the angel ornament and the second we got home I ran back into my room to finish wrapping presents. Earlier this week I had given Jihyo, Sana, and Tzuyu their presents so they would have it on Christmas Day, but I still had to wrap the boys' presents and now, Jeonghan's special Secret Santa present.

"Crap," I said. I forgot to buy wrapping paper. "JEONGHAN OPPA!"

"WHAT?" Jeonghan yelled back.


"OKAY!" Jeonghan ran into my room ten seconds later, with a roll of wrapping paper that had a gift box decoration on it.

"Thanks oppa," I smiled.

the sister of the angel // wen junhuiWhere stories live. Discover now