Chapter 1 ~ First Impressions

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Yuju's POV

     Hi my name is Yoon Yuju. Does that last name sound familiar?

If you know SEVENTEEN, it definitely should. My older brother is the one and only Yoon Jeonghan, the cute bunny and mother of SEVENTEEN. I'm also close with his best friend, Joshua Hong, or Hong Jisoo. I met him once and we exchanged numbers and talk a lot. My brother left our family in 2013 and became a KPOP idol in 2015. Ever since then, I've missed him, as he doesn't come home very often.

Enough about him. Let's talk about me. I'm a '98 liner — three years younger then Jeonghan Oppa. I know how to speak Korean, Chinese, and English. I'm currently applying for a job as a makeup artist for Pledis Entertainment. I love cooking, baking, and dancing. I like singing, but I don't think I'm very good at it.

I opened my inbox and saw an email from Pledis Entertainment. I clicked on it.

Congratulations, Yoon Yuju!

You've been selected to be a makeup artist for SEVENTEEN. You start tomorrow. I heard that you're also Jeonghan's sister, so you'll be moving into their dorm. Jeonghan knows, but the rest of the boys don't. You'll be a bit of a surprise.

Thanks, Pledis Entertainment

I squealed as I read the email. I froze as I read that I had to go live with my brother and his twelve bandmates. I don't even know all of their names!

I quickly packed up my things in my room and told my mom the news. Since we live in Busan, I would have to leave tonight. I brought everything I needed and had about four suitcases of stuff.

I took a taxi to their dorm and knocked on the door. It was already 10:30 pm.

Noises rattled around the house as I opened the door.




I was overwhelmed by all the noise, until Jeonghan came.

"Oppa!" I squealed as I gave him a hug.

"Yuju!" He smiles as he wrapped his arms around me.

Joshua walked up behind him and hugged me too.   

"Hi Yuju-ssi," he smiled as he let me go.

"Hi Shua Oppa," I smiled.

That's when I realized that eleven faces were staring at us.

"Uh...who is that?" An extremely short one said.

"I have no clue," another one replied.

Jeonghan and Joshua burst into laughter. I guess Jeonghan had told Joshua about me coming.

"This is my sister," Jeonghan explained.

Their jaws dropped.

"HYUNG! You never said you had a sister! What the heck! How does she even know Shua?"

"I brought him to my house in Busan once. They met there," Jeonghan said calmly.

"Okay I'm sorry to interrupt this but who are all of you?" I cut in.

"Oh, right. I'm S.Coups, but call me Seungcheol."

"Hi I'm Jun. I'm from China." He smiles at me.

I tried hard not to blush. Jun's big eyes and cute smile were adorable.

"Hi, I'm 10-10 Hoshi. My real name is Kwon Soonyoung."

"Hey I'm Wonwoo. I hate water. Not drinking water. Like swimming water."

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