13. *Little Steps*

Start from the beginning

"Tori?" Speaking of the devil. Yes, I know his voice anywhere I go.

I slam my locker door shut. "What do you want?" Swiftly, I look at him with an emotionless face. He can't see I'm weak enough to face him.

I'll be strong to stand up for myself.

"M'lady, I'm sorry. I deeply am sorry. I'll even kneel to you, if you want..." He slowly bent his knees but I stop him...

"There's no need. I already forgive you, the second I look into your eyes but I won't easily forget what you did. That's a mistake pasted and marked in the history now, Beck. Someday, Ill be back. Tomorrow, later, 2 days later or whatever but I can't stand talking to you now." Successfully, I stated those words without looking at him. Because I know the second I look at him, I would crack and give in.

I choose to walk away from him.

Walking away from problems isn't right but that's the only option I'm going to take to avoid getting hurt once again...

Beck Oliver's Point of View.

Is there any pinhead award in the Oscars? Because, if there is, can you deliver it to me straight away? There's no hesitations, I deserve it.

"Such an asshole. I'm such an asshole..." Maltreating the locker infront of me. Those words enters and exits my head, all day and all night.

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