11. *Jealous Rush*

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One Step Closer.

(c) CaptureLife.


Tori Vega's Point Of View.

After the Friday Night Jam, Logan drop us off to my house. 

I have no idea why I'm so upbeat. Maybe because Logan isn't some kind of jealous freak and also how Beck and I can spend another sleepover together. I miss hanging out with that sleepyhead. 

Beck close the door from my room. If you're wondering what my parents might think of this, well they're fine with it. Beck's a great guy. Also, my dad is a cop...so planning something atrocious can be the cause of his early death. I mean it. ;) 

I dive into my bed. "I'm so perky that Logan approves of this." I address him a beam. 

"I'm pleased myself too." He sat beside me and lay his hand over my shoulder. "He really trusts you, ya know?" 

"I know." Then before I knew it I'm daydreaming about Logan. 

His eyes.

His cheeks. 

His lips.

And oh, those cheekbones of his. 

Swiftly, Beck snap his fingers at me. "Can you not daydream about your boyfriend?" He teasingly smiles at me. 

"Is someone being a jealous nancy?" I grab a hold of my pillow and hit him with it.  

He angle his head into my view and shot me his tiger--slash--teasing look. 

Before I knew it, he was tickling me. 

Oh, how I miss this kind of memories.

Beck Oliver's Point Of View. 

Last night was one of the best night of my life. I got the chance to spend the whole night with Tori. We we're just relaxed and acting like ourselves. Not worrying about what others say, just having fun and reminding what kind of friendship we have in store. 

If she wasn't taken, I could've make a move but bad luck. She's already owned by someone. 

She's like a diamond, rare to see and hard to get. 

Watching her sleep is priceless. She's perfectly imperfect in so many ways but still you'll love her charismatic attitude, the way she loves people, her undeniably beautiful face and of course her smile that is to-die-for. 

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