Chapter 6

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"Hello," the voice said.

"Hey," I said

"We need to talk," He said.

"Yea I know so when do u want to talk?"Amy asked.

"Well I guess meet me at my apartment in 1 hour,"Ricky said.

"Ok," Amy said out of nervousness she was scared to talk to Ricky alone she didn't even knew what to say. "Bye,"He said.

"Bye,"Amy said in a rush.

Amy sighs to herself and whisper "What am I going to do?"

                       1 Hour Later

Amy is walking up the stairs to Rickys apartment above the butcher shop. Amy hesitates for a moment thinking what if everythings different because the last time she was here earlier today she didnt really look around. She remember seeing the sofa bed and that's all. Amy finally knocks a couple of times. Ricky then opens the door and looks at Amy remembering how beautiful she was and still was."Hi," is all are manage to get out.

"Hi,"He said,"Come in"

Amy took in her surroundings noticing that hardly nothin was different well except Clemintine clothes all over the sofa bed. Amy got jealous when she thought of Ricky and Clemintine having sex. Oh no Amy dont think like that u can't be jealous u love Ben remember."sorry about Clemintine clothes being every where she insisted on putting clothes on the couch to remind not to do anything stupid," Ricky said trying to brake the silence.

"Well we are not going to do anything,"Amy said.

"Well u know girls get defensive over their boyfriends,"Ricky said.

Amy laughed "Yea I would know,"Amy said still laughing.

"So do u love Clemintine?"Amy asked.

Ricky just looked at her then a guilt look came over his face.

"Amy can I be honest with u?"Ricky asked.

"Yes Can i be honest with u?"Amy asked.

"Yes,"Ricky said.

"Amy I don't think I will ever love her I mean she is really pretty but she just doesn't match up to...," Ricky had stopped talking.

"Me," Amy said.

"Yea u,"Ricky said,"So what do u need to be honest with me about?" Ricky asked.

"Umm...well I care about him and I love it's just that..,"

"Ur not madly in love with him are u?" Ricky asked.

"I...,"Amy said not finishing her sentence.

Oops sorry for leaving you guys on a cliffy... Lol I will be updating some of my stories!! Thanks for all of my readers and voters!! :) You guys are the best and you guys make me smile!!

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