Chapter 3

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Amy and Ben have been in a serious relationship well at least Ben thought they were very serious. Amy just finshed her first year of college at Hudson University and is now heading home with Ben to be with her son for the summer.

Ricky and Clemintine are just starting to work up some relationship. Ricky knew that there was some love toward Amy that he couldn't let go of for some reason. He knew it wasn't fair to Clemintine, but he needed someone to love to help him move past his relationship with Amy.

Jack and Grace finally figured out their feelings for each other and have decided to not get married, but just live togther instead of getting married. Jack has been unsure about it, but Grace really wants this to work.

Adrian and Omar's wedding is going to be next summer. Adrian is really and truly in love for once and can't wait to be married and Omar feels the same toward Adrian.

Amy and Ben's Apartment/ New York

Amy's hazel almond shaped eyes flutter open feeling heavy from the least amount of sleep that took over her last night. Her eyes adjust to the bright yellow almost orange light seeping through the tiny wholes in the see through curtains. The large window with the wooden framing is located on the left side of the queen sized bed the duo shares together.

"Ben, wake up." Amy tells him flipping the giant cover, that was thin, from the two of them. A groan escapes his parted lips that are chapped.  A giggle comes from Amy's. His lighter shade of eyes, she wasn't so use to, open and close a million times before focusing clearly on his girlfriend.

"Mmm no." He answers wrapping an arm tightly around Amy's petite waist and bringing her in closer to his body. She snuggles a couple of seconds before pushing away from him, again.

Amy sighs locking eyes with him and laying on her side. "I wish we could stay her forever, but we have to go to California to meet with our families."

"Why can't we have more time together?" Ben asks tugging on her arm wanting her to come back to bed.

"Because the world must hate us," Amy comes up with giving him a giant smirk while leaning forward to plant a kiss on his lips. Ben's eyes light up like he is a two year old getting a toy.

"Okay fine," Ben answers throwing the covers off of his body and grabbing the pair of pants near the bed. He gives Amy another smile making her fake a slight smile back.

Amy smiled watching Ben go into the bathroom. She turned around and walked out of the room making her way into the morning kitchen pulling out a spatula and eggs and bacon. "Let see what I can do,"

Moments later Ben walks into the kitchen smelling the food cooking gently in a pan on the stove. "What's that smell?" Ben asks sniffing the sir still.

"I made some delicious eggs and bacon," She smiles proudly showing off her early morning meal.

"Mm looks delicious I didn't know you got cooking lessons," Ben teased before taking a bite of the cooked food Amy had just sat in front of him.

Amy rolls her eyes. "Really Ben thanks a lot,"

"I was kidding Amy,"

"Okay well you're not funny eat fast we have to leave in 20 minutes to catch our flight," Amy reminds him putting the pan into the sink and starts washing it with soapy water.

Ben looks up at Amy. "I love you Amy. I hope you know that at the end of the day I always love you know matter what," Ben tells her making her heart warm up instantly by his kind words. Amy turns around with tears almost coming out of her eyes.

"I love you too Ben," Amy admitts before strolling over and kissing Ben on the lips.

15 Minutes Later

Amy looks around the small apartment that was a little bigger than her old one when she lived with Ricky. "Are you ready to go?"

Amy turns around and at the corner of her lips tug into a small smile. "Yea I am ready," Amy answers before picking up her bag and smiling at Ben.

"The cab is awaiting my lady," Ben tells her politely making Amy giggle at his choice of words.

"Well thank you my kind, sir," Amy tells him in a professional manor making them fall into laughter. They went outside and climbed into the taxi and rode to New York City Airport.

                      7 hours later

Amy looked around the terminal as she got off of the airplane hand and hand with Ben. "Ben it looks different," Amy comments looking at the brand new large windows. Ben smiles before kissing Amy's forehead.

Ben and Amy walk out side of the airport with their bags close by them on the ground as they a wait for a taxi. Ben sees on come into sight and puts his fingers in between his lips and blows. The taxi pulls over and Amy and Ben get inside and ride to their destination which was across town. They pull up in front of Amy's dads house. "We are here," Amy lets out looking up at the beautiful white house that had a small flower garden sitting in the front making Amy bite her lip nervous.

"Don't be nervous," Ben reminds her making her nod her head at him. Ben pays the driver and they load their luggage out of the vehicle. Amy makes her way up the pathway with Ben right behind her and she stops in front of the door and knocks gently. George opens the door to see Amy and doesn't  even notice Ben.

"Ames," George answers letting out a sigh as he opens his awaiting arms for his little girl that he misses more then anything at this moment.

Amy runs up and gives her dad a big, tight hug wishing that she could have kidnapped her dad and took him to New York, too. "I miss you dad,"

"I miss you too, pumpkin. You can't run from me anymore," George tells her fighting tears. He looks behind Amy to see Ben standing there looking at them with his hands stuffed deep into his pocket.

"Hello Benjamin," George greets Ben by giving him a firm handshake.

"Hi Mr. Juergens," Ben smiles. George looks over at Amy who shrugs her shoulders.

"Come in," George tells them opening the door wider to let then inside of the house.

Amy walks into the house only remembering bits and pieces about the home. "I am glad your home,"

"Me too," Amy admitts. "I was starting to feel a little homesick,"

"So I am guessing Ben will be staying with you?" George asks slightly nervous. Amy shakes her head.

"No I am going to be staying with my dad. I haven't seen Chloe, my dad, or Camille since

"What guy?" Amy asked. Trying to thank of what guy he could of been thanking of.

"Ricky," said George

"Do I have to," said Amy.

"Yes for the sake of John," said her dad.

"Ughh," said Amy.

"Well I guess we have to go and get unpacked by George," said Ben

"Mr. Juergens, you mean," said Amy's dad with a stern expression written across his face giving him a point look. He gulps slightly leaning forward to grab a hold of Amy.

"Yea sir," said Ben. While Amy and Ben went upstairs to unpack.

Amy knew this was going to be a long three weeks to deal with. In those three weeks she would have to eventually see Ricky and she knew that.

Thank you for all of the people who read the chapter and the people voted!! Thx!!

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