Chapter 23

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  • Gewidmet Hailey Markson

Adrian ran the brush gently through her hair grabbing the curler next to her. Her body felt bloated and fat. She couldn't tell him it would break his heart and hers. She couldn't stand to see the look on Omar's face when she told him she was pregnant. It had nothing to do with her being pregnant it had to do with one problem. The baby wasn't Omar's it was Ben's baby. Adrian hiccuped as she thought of Omar leaving her. Tears streamed down her face as she pushed her back up against the wall. How stupid was she? She got pregnant twice by the same guy two years and now here she was on her wedding day pregnant by some other guy's baby. Ben. The name sounded bitter to her. She had sex with the same guy who broke her heart and she cheated on the guy who loved her with alot of love. Now she was going to be alone surely after she told Omar he wasn't the father to her baby instead it was Ben."How could I do this?" Adrian asks herself as she throws her head against the wall letting the tears come down her face. The taste of salt and felt warm to her face making the tears slightly sticky to her face. Wipes them away instantly like its something she does everyday.

"Adrian are you going to get ready," a voice called from the other side of the door knocking briefly on the door.

"Yea I am coming," Adrian told her mom who was standing on the other side of the door looking at Adrian confused. Adrian's eyes were blood shot red and puffy making Cindy put her newly manicured hands over her mouth trying her hardest not to say anything to make Adrian mad.

"What happened?" Cindy asked in a careful as she walked toward Adrian running her fingers lightly over her swollen eye.

"I am fine mom," Adrian replys swatting her hand away from her face.

"Why were you crying?" Cindy asks putting her hands over her very curvy hips. Adrian pushes pass her.

"It was nothing," Adrian insists trying to out on her best fake smile, but her mom isn't buying it at all.

"Adrian Lee," Cindy demands looking at her daughter confused. "Why are you lieing to me you are my daughter. I know when you are upset now tell me what is going on. Right Now!" Cindy demands with anger rising in her voice making Adrian run into her old room and slam the door. Adrian truthfully wanted to run away from all of this. She wanted to leave like Amy did. When she ran to New York to be away from Ricky and John. Why couldn't she do that? She had to do that. Maybe it was best she did do that. Run away. Her brain kept telling her thoughts about marrying Omar. Would she be happy marrying Omar? Time would only tell. Adrian brushed her knees up to her chest sobbing harder. Only time would tell. Kept running through her brain those few words werr making her want to run away from this wedding. She would rather be a run away bride then be the bride getting married. She was young. "I have my whole life ahead of me," Adrian tells herself standing up. I have to leave. She grabbed a pad of paper and a ball point pen from the small compartment under the sink.

Dear Family,

Im sorry I cant get married. I left I am going on a journey something I should have done long ago, but now I am finally doing something that is right. For me. I hope to someday meet up with my family again. In the future. I am going somewhere far away. I know this isnt fair of me to leave Omar. I have to one day I will explain. I am running away from my fears. I couldnt face them like you always told me. I'm sorry for all of the trouble I have caused.

Love, Adrian Lee

Adrian stared at the note the longest time. Was she doing the right thing? All of these questions kept going through her head. Was she going to regret not leaving now while she had the chance? Adrian could rip up the note and marry Omar, but would she live a lie. She wanted to so badly rip up the paper and tell Omar she loves him. She couldn't. It would be a big fat lie. She didnt love him. She loved Ben. The man she should have been with in the first place. Not Omar. Not Ricky, but Ben. Ben. The name made her smile. It lit up her stormy days and made the rain clouds go away. She heard noise downstairs and ran down the flight of stairs and ran toward the door. She turned around slightly looking behind her. "Good bye," she whispered before opening the door and leaving this would be the last time she would see this house.

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