Chapter 24

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Okay so we are finally here. Take a deep breath this is going to be one amazing ending well for us Ramy fans the ending we all wanted to see, but didn't get sadly. The time has come to say good bye to these fellow people. So here it is the final chapter. Chapter 24.

Amy spun around in a small circle letting her dress fly around her. "Mom!" Amy yells from the bathroom trying to reach over and zip up her dress. Anne walks into the room with her breath instantly taken away.

"Amy," she breathed out as she looked at her gorgeous daughter standing in front of her.

"I need a little help here,"

"Oh sorry," her mom walks behind her and tugs at the zip making it go up. "There," Anne steps back to get a good look at her beautiful daughter. She had her hair in cascading curls with light makeup on not trying to hard with an amazing wedding dress that Adrian helped her pick out.

"Do I look good?" Amy asks with a grin as Anne looked up at her with tears shimmering in her eyes while nodding.

"You look beautiful Amy," Anne reaches in and gives Amy a hug with tears coming out of her eyes. Anne wipes them away as a knock comes from behind them.

"Amy?" Her dad asks coming into the room with a big smile on his face. "You look too gorgeous try again,"

Amy laughs. "Okay dad," Anne smiles at her family only to feel like something is missing and something was missing the sarcastic part of the family was gone. Ashley wasn't here making the family feel incomplete.

George gives Amy a big hug and gives her a small kiss on the cheek. "You are going to wow him,"

"Thanks dad," Amy smiles before blush comes up to her cheeks.

"Amy why do you blush so much?" George questions looking at his daughter's cheek. Amy covers up her cheeks and shakes her head.

"I don't know I guess its just natural," Amy tells them with a sweet smile.

"Amy if you don't want to get married just wave me down and we will run," Anne explains to Amy making George roll his eyes.

"Except she won't be doing that right Amy?"

"Right," Amy smiles. "I do love Ricky and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him and our three beautiful children,"

"Anne I wish you were like Amy," George grins. Anne punches George lightly on the chest.

"Oh shut up George,"

"That hurt," George let's out sarcastically with a smile.

"Knock knock," A voice says behind them making them all turn around with big smiles on their faces.

"Ashley!" Amy screams before running over and giving Ashley a hug.

"Amy you know I don't do hugs," Ashley reminds her sister after Amy pulls away.

"Hello Sugarplum how is Italy?" George asks giving Ashley a hug who gladly excepts it.

"Good daddy,"

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