Chapter 1

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So yea here is my new story called Ben or Ricky and its about a love triangle between Amy, Ben, and Ricky. Who will Amy choose? I hope you guys like this story I might come back and make some changes to this story..So here it goes my first Chapter to my story Ben Or Ricky...:)

Amys POV

I had just gotten off of my plane. The plane had landed in New York at approximately 7:30 at night. I looked at the million lights all around New York. I look up higher in the sky to see no stars just light from the buildings and skyscrapers. I sigh. I grab my phone from my pocket to see if I got any messages. No Messages. I guess no one heard about me and Ricky yet or no one knew what to say. I didn't even know what to say and I am the one who ended it. I look at my background photo to see s picture of me and John. My heart melts at his smile. I was already missing my son and I wasn't even gone for 24 hours. "Gosh how am I going to do this?" I ask myself as I grab my bags and my suit from the ground. I go outside and I get the first taxi I can find that no one was in. I go to the apartment that Leo Bens dad let me and Ben stay in. I was the top floor and Ben was the bottom floor so either way I was going to be stuck with seeing Ben. I get out of the taxi to see Ben waiting for me. How did he know I was coming. I shake my head. Ben stares at every move I do.

"Well well well look who is in New York with me," Ben says with a grin. I roll my eyes and I go inside. Ben follows me inside. I turn around.

"What do you want Ben?" I ask really agitated at him.

"I don't know she is pretty and she is standing in front of me and her name is Amy," Ben says. I roll my eyes again.

"Well Ben sorry to tell you something I don't like you," I say in a mean voice. Ben looks really hurt by what I say.

"Yea sure," I hear Ben whisper to himself.

I walk away and I go inside and I jump everything on the ground and I walk into the bedroom and I fall asleep instantly on the bed.

The next day

I wake up to a buzzing noise coming from my red bag sitting the farthest away from me. I get up from the red sheets and I touch the cold hard ground and I tip toe to the bag to see I have a bunch of texts and missed calls.

"Why do I have a bunch of texts and calls?" I ask myself. Then I remember what took place 24 hours ago in California. I open up the first text message.

10 missed calls

5 text messages

3 messages were from her mom

messages from her dad

1 message from Ashley

messages from Ben

message from Adrian

message from Grace

To: Amy
From: Mom

I was trying to see if u made it there ok. I will support u whatever u do.

To: Amy
From: Mom

Are u mad at Me I am sorry for whatever I did call me

To: Amy
From: Mom

Amy me and your dad are worried call me

To: Amy
From: Dad

I am sorry I said u should have married Ricky but u should have call me

To: Amy
From: Dad

Amy call me me and your mom are worried

To: Amy
From: Ashley

So I heard u and Ricky didn't get married. I know this is weird for me to say this but follow Ur dreams cal me

To: Amy
From: Adrian

Omg Amy I am so sorry u and Ricky didn't work out but I am getting married in New York in a couple of months hope u can come call me

To: Amy
From: Grace

Amy I am so sorry about u and Ricky. Me and Jack didn't marry either so I goes me and u on the same page but u should probably call Ur dad he is freakin out bye

I had so many texts and call from people so I decided to wait and not text anyone or call anyone until I was calm down and relaxed and that I wasn't jet lagged anymore. I put my phone on the bedside table and I go over to my things and I start unpacking...I finished unpacking all of my things as I was putting things away a picture falls out of the small part of my suit case. I pick up the picture and it is of Me, John, and Ricky after his graduation but before the party and the next one is of me and Ricky after he proposed and he is kissing me on the cheek. I smile. I know I didn't just miss John I also missed Ricky. I loved Ricky but he didn't love me. A tear comes down my face and hits the picture I wipe my eyes so no more tears come down my face I kiss me hand and I touch the photo that had John in it.

"I love you buddy I will come for you soon I miss you everyday take care of your daddy for me," I say into the photo. I set the photo down in the table and I walk it the freshly cleaned apartment. I pick up a note sitting on my counter.


Anytime you need anything call me! I will make sure Ricky stays in line and make sure not to let Ben take control of your life and make sure to focus on school if you need anyone to talk to call me...

From Leo

I put down the note and I smile. I was excited to start school but I was also slightly nervous. I had no friends now so I was a square one. I touch my finger to my chin and I grabbed my phone from the counter and decided to make my first call.

Amy: Hey Adrian

Adrian: oh hi Amy

Amy: Do you happen to be in New York already?

Adrian: umm yea actually we just landed

Amy: OK well when you get time can we sit down and talk

Adrian: umm yea sure text me time and date and I will meet you there just give me a few days OK.

Amy: Yea that's fine

Adrian: so I heard about Ricky

Amy: yea and...

Adrian: nothing never mind I should havent said that so bye

Amy: Bye

I hang up the phone and I grab a blanket from the closet and I cuddle up in it and I fall asleep dreaming about seeing John again.

I started this story and I really like it and I hope you guys like it yea enjoy! Please review! That's all I ask for a payment is to review and if you review then I will write!

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