Chapter 19

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Adrian's Apartment

"Okay Adrian now please tell me another reason to not tell Omar about Ben?" Amy asks with her hands on her hips while looking down at her friend.

"Well umm...," Adrian says playing with her fingers unsure of how to tell Amy.

"Come on it can't be that bad," Amy says with a small smile trying to break her friend.

Adrian takes a deep breath. "Well I am late," Adrian says then takes a big gulp. "And I am also unsure of who the father is," Amy puts her hand to her mouth in surprise.

"Who do you think the father is?" Amy asks grabbing her friends hand.

"I think its Ben, but I want it to be Omar's," Adrian says truthfully. Amy shakes her head in understanding.

"I also know something else that Jack accidentally told me on the phone," Adrian says staring her friend in the eye. Amy looks at her with so much confuse.

"What did he tell you?" Amy asks biting her lip.

"Something about Ricky that you don't know," Adrian says as she watches her friend slide her hands in her lap and covers her face while letting out a small sigh.

Madison's Apartment

Madison grabs her phone. She couldn't stay any longer away from him. She had missed him way to much. She loved him more then life itself. She scrolls through her phone looking for his number. Even though he broke up for her to be with his ex-girlfriend. Madison didn't care she knew he loved her as much as she loved him. "Hey Jack," Madison says into the phone.

"Why are you calling me?" He asks. Madison shakes her head and wipes her forehead.

"I miss you Jack," she says ignoring his attitude.

"Madison you know I am with Grace and I love her not you," Jacks says. Madison knew better. Jack and her were made to be together for life no matter what.

"No Jack it's suppose to be me and you for life," Madison says as a tear slides down her face. She hear him sigh on the other side of the phone.

"Madison we didn't love each other. I have always loved Grace. I only first went out with you to make Grace jealous," Jack says making Madison start to cry. Jack heard her crying and it broke his heart. He hated hearing her be in pain, but he couldn't just led her on. He needed to let her go and move on with the girl of his dreams.

"Thanks Jack maybe that will help me move on from you," Madison says with a small laugh as she wipes away the tears.

"I know and I am sorry for everything I did to you," Jack says. Madison smiles.

"I'm sorry too," Madison says grabbing a tissue with the hand she wasn't using.

"Okay well bye Madison. I will always love you," Jack says.

"I will always love you too bye," Madison says grabbing the phone from her hand and hanging up. She couldn't stand another second talking to him or her heart was going to break even more. She takes a deep breath and then falls onto her bed with a sigh.

Adrian's Apartment

"Okay now what do you have to tell me about this secret," Amy asks. Adrian takes another breath.

"Jack told me," she says simply trying her best to not let out the secret.

"Come on Adrian just tell me," Amy says pleading for an answer. Adrian rolls her eyes.

"Fine, but don't run away I still need you to stay after I tell you," Adrian says. Adrian faces turns worried as she thinks of the words to tell Amy.

"Okay well Amy. Ricky is I guess kinda cheating on you," Adrian says. She watches as Amy's face turns pale and she watches as she crumples to the ground. "Amy!" Adrian yells trying to catch her friend, but she falls to the ground hard. Adrian starts grabbing her phone, but it slips from her hand. Adrian heart races as she watches her friend stay unconscious. She flicks her finger up and down the screen.

"Ricky come here right now," Adrian says as she looks at her friend horrified.

"What. What's wrong?" Ricky asks in a calm voice.

"I messed up bad," Adrian says to him in the phone. Ricky looks into the panicked.

"Adrian hold on what did you do?" Ricky asked Adrian. Adrian breaths irregular.

"Ricky I told her everything and she flipped out," Adrian says. She hears the phone click meaning that he hung up. She presses 911 on the phone.

"Hello what's your emergency?" The person asks on the other side of the phone.

"My friend. She is unconscious," Adrian says in one breath.

"Is she breathing?" They asks her.

"Yes, but it is kinda shallow," Adrian says sitting next to her friend.

"Okay well stay put the paramedics are on their way," the lady says. Adrian sits next to her friend begging for her to be okay.

I hope you enjoyed this update I promise I will update again in a week or  two depending on it i have some time and I promise it will be a really good update. This story is going to be seriously full of drama.

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