"Yeah, exactly." Lincoln replies easily.

I couldn't hear the rest because we were now cutting a corner and entering a different luxurious looking hallway. "Don't mind them," Nathan said to me as he shook his head at hits friends behaviour.

"They're funny." I replied, coming to the conclusion that I liked them too.

From what I can tell, Lincoln was the classy one, Jax was the joker, Griffin was the cheerful one and Will was the grumpy one. Sort reminds me of a group guys I know.

"I'm sure you've already been filled in by Carter about what this really is," Nathan said, stopping in the hallway and turning around to face me. "Those men back there are the main members of Codice Di Verita. Jax, also known Ajax, Griffin, Lincoln and Will are Darren's best friends. You don't need to worry about knowing the other guys in the room." From this information I put together that Darren only trusts a few people, specifically only five, including Nathan. "Try not to be intimidated by him, okay?" I nodded at him, resulting in him kissing my forehead and walking deeper into the hallway where he then stopped at a door and knocked.

"Come in." A deep voice called out from inside in the room, and with one more look my way, Nathan opened the door and pulled me inside with him. At first I was amazed at the size of the office, but did I really expect any less? The office practically covered head to toe in luxury. After scanning my surroundings, my eyes landed on curious ones that held my gaze. I smiled timidly, not understanding why I was so nervous. "Is he here?" Darren asked Nathan, an accent peaking through his voice.

Nathan nodded. "He's downstairs, already drunk out of his mind." Nathan informed Darren who scoffed and shook his head.

"A classy brother he is," Darren teased his non-present brother. "I'm assuming he doesn't know I'm here or that this is my club?" Darren chuckled lowly, creating an intense atmosphere because although he was laughing, it was unsettling how ... calm he was?

"You know he wouldn't be here if he knew you were even remotely involved." Nathan rolled his eyes, which set an alarmed inside of me. Mainly because Nathan seemed so comfortable around Darren, enough to not have his guard up.

Darren then got up from his seat and walked towards us. "I apologize for being rude," he said to me which I was not expecting. "You must be Thalia, correct?" He asked me nicely but that didn't make my nerves ease any less. I nodded at him. "I've heard a lot about you, way too much actually." Darren looked over at Nathan who was glaring at him. With a short laugh, Darren put his hands up as if to say "okay, okay."

I wasn't sure how to react, this wasn't what I was expecting from him but then again I didn't know what to expect in the first place. I just imagined him as a cruel soul, but that doesn't seem to be the case, for the time being. I don't doubt that he had his moments.

"Yes, and you're Darren, I presume? Nathan's mentioned you but lately I've been hearing about you from everyone, so... you must be really popular, huh?" I let out a nervous laugh, making Nathan chuckle and
Darren lift his eyebrows at me.

"I guess you can say that," Darren replies, nodding his head slightly. "Maybe not in a good way though." He added.

"Heh, I'm sure you're very loved." I slid behind Nathan slowly as I smiled my way through fear. I don't know why I was so scared of him. Maybe it was his endless tattoos— which weren't scary but rather intimidating. I feel like someone's tattoos say a lot about them, and his definitely has a story behind them. Maybe it was his wealth that makes me uneasy, I could tell his sleek suit alone was worth more than my life. Or maybe it was the fact that he was a fucking mafia leader. Who knows, could be any of this reasons, really.

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