chapter twenty-nine

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— February —

"Just stop going back to him

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"Just stop going back to him. It's that easy," Eleanor said softly as she sat at her desk, finishing up her homework as Harry sat in the oversized beanbag chair in the corner of the room and Ashton was sat on the floor beside her bed, flipping through a magazine he'd found in her room.

"No, actually. It isn't that easy," Ashton said as his eyes glanced over at Eleanor. "If it were so easy, I wouldn't keep going back to him." He said as if that were the most obvious explanation in the world.

"Luke's an asshole though. I know he's my friend, but he is an asshole. To you. Constantly," Eleanor reminded as she erased something she'd wrote down on the paper. "Besides, it's making things really tense, you know? I feel like Bella knows that there's something going on between the two of you, and the rest of the group can't tell her."

"El, I never said there was anything going on between us," Ashton said as he continued flipping through the colorful pages.

"Every time he and Bella break up, which is twice a week it seems, he comes crawling back to you and you let him. Don't even try to deny it," Eleanor said softly. "All I'm saying is that you could do much better than him. If you were willing to try. That goes for you and Bella, honestly."

"Yeah?" Ashton asked and then looked over at Eleanor. "As if you've been in your fair share of complicated relationships?" He asked softly.

"I don't have to be in a relationship to know that Luke isn't good for you, Ashy," Eleanor responded and then sighed softly. "Just find someone better."

"Do you think Zayn's brother is into guys?" Ashton asked after a few moments and then Eleanor turned to look at him.

"Hey, back off. He's mine," Eleanor teased and then laughed a little. "Besides, I was thinking that you should find someone your own age. Find someone in our grade who won't use you and then toss you aside."

"Hm, I'll think about it," Ashton said softly and then glanced over at Harry, who was sitting silently, seeming to be deep into his thoughts. "What's going on with you, curly? You've been so quiet lately." He said and then Harry turned to look at him.

"Harry's been consumed by his own thoughts," Eleanor said and then looked over at Harry. "He has a lot on his mind right now." She informed with a small shrug of her shoulders, not wanting to go too into detail in case Harry didn't want to talk about it.

"Yeah? Like what?" Ashton asked softly as he looked between Harry and Eleanor. "Maybe I can help." He offered with a small smile.

"It isn't something you can help with," Harry assured softly and then shrugged his shoulders. "I'm pregnant." Harry blurted, making Eleanor glance over at him and Ashton's eyes went wide as he stared at Harry in complete and utter disbelief. However, the more Harry told people, the more he became desensitized to the whole thing. He was pregnant and that was that.

"What?" Ashton asked as if this was the most shocking news he'd ever heard. It kind of was. "You're joking, yeah?" He asked and Harry only shook his head, letting out a soft sigh as he looked up at Ashton.

"Not even a little bit," Harry said and then glanced over at Eleanor. "We decided to tell our mums this weekend." He admitted and then looked down at his lap. "So, I'm just... thinking about that. Things like... how we're going to tell them and what exactly we'll say. I'm thinking about all the possible outcomes of how they might react."

"Harry, it'll all be fine. Even if it isn't fine at first," Eleanor replied softly and then offered him a sympathetic smile. "You and Louis will figure all of this out, yeah?" She asked and Harry nodded his head a little.

"I guess, yeah," Harry said and then bit down on his bottom lip gently. "I just wish that... things were easier. Of course, I understand that getting knocked up when you're so young isn't exactly the greatest thing in the world... but I just wish things weren't so hard anyway."

"So... you're actually pregnant then? With, like an actual baby?" Ashton asked and then bit down on his bottom lip gently whenever Harry nodded his head. "Wow. Congrats? I guess?" He asked because he still wasn't sure how he was supposed to react.

"Thanks," Harry replied and gave Ashton a small smile. "This is exactly why you should stop sleeping with Luke, by the way. Don't want any little accidents, do you?" He said and Ashton shook his head.

"We're pretty careful though," Ashton replied as he watched Harry for a moment. "There's only been a few times when we haven't used protection." He informed as Eleanor glanced over at him.

"What? So you're... relying on the pull-out method then?" Eleanor asked with a small laugh and then shook her head. "Accidents happen, Ash."

"Yeah, and while you guys get to have fun as teenagers... party, go to school dances, going to after-school shit, hang out, have friends, make plans, travel, and experiment... I'll be taking care of a baby." Harry said and then looked over at Ashton. "I don't necessarily agree with what you and Luke are doing, but I definitely think you stick to using condoms."

"Harry, don't think like that, yeah? This whole... high school experience thing will be different for you, but it doesn't mean it won't be just as fun as whatever everyone else gets involved in." Eleanor said as she looked over at Harry. "Trust me, I'll be right by your side. I'll be, like, a third parent to your kid. You're not regretting the decision you made, are you?"

"No, of course not. I'm just trying to face the reality of the situation. I'm having a baby," Harry said softly and then stood up from the beanbag after a few moments. "I should get going. Think I'm going to write a script of what I'm going to say to my mum about all this." He smiled a little and then went over to grab his bag.

"Okay, love you, Harry," Eleanor smiled and then blew him a playful kiss, making Harry roll his eyes jokingly.

"Bye, Ellie. Love you too," Harry teased and then gave Ashton a small wave. "Later, mate." He said and then playfully blew Ashton a kiss before heading out of Eleanor's room, making his way down to the front door to leave.

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