chapter twenty-eight

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"You made a list?" Harry asked as he looked over at Louis with a small smile, finding it pretty amazing that his boyfriend was taking initiative in this whole thing. Truthfully, Harry had been ignoring the more serious questions he'd been asking himself about having a baby because it was scary to think about, but he was glad he had Louis to talk to.

"Of course I made a list. I thought about it a lot and I've researched a ton of stuff and I just... I think that these things are important to talk about before we have a baby together." Louis said softly as he sat on the end of Harry's bed with the folded up piece of paper in his left hand.

"Got it, yeah," Harry smiled and then looked over at Louis. "Okay, Lou, so what's first on your list?" He asked softly as he sat on the bed, with his back against a pillow.

"My first big question is... what if we break up?" Louis asked as he read the list and then looked back up at Harry. "Not because I'm plotting ways to break up with you, but I'm asking because having a baby takes a toll on people's relationships. And I would like to think that we'll stay together, but... I still think we should talk about it just in case."

"Yeah, that makes sense," Harry assured Louis softly and then nodded his head a little. "I guess if we break up then we have to figure out, like, custody of the baby and all that." He said and then shrugged his shoulders. "Assuming both of us would still want to be a part of his or her life." He said and Louis nodded his head. "I guess we'd have to figure that out if it happens, yeah? It depends on quite a bit. Next question."

"Okay, so my next question would be about where would the three of us live?" Louis asked as he looked back down at his list, then his eyes trailed back up to Harry. "Like, am I still living at my mum's place and you and the baby would be living here? That would feel a bit weird honestly." He admitted and Harry nodded his head in agreement. "So, would we live here or at my mum's or figure out... how to get an apartment or something?"

"First of all, we're a bit too broke for an apartment. Second, pretty sure my mum wouldn't let me move out of her house at fifteen," Harry admitted softly. "But I don't know. I guess this one also depends on a lot of different factors. Such as... talking to our parents, yeah?"

"Which brings me to my next point: when are we telling our parents exactly?" Louis asked and Harry only stared back at him, because he really didn't have an answer to that one. Clearly, he wanted to tell their parents sooner rather than later, but it was scary to think about having to do that. "Okay, so we should figure that out then. Personally, I think we should tell them soon. As in possibly this weekend soon." He said and then shrugged his shoulders.

"My mum is going to be so disappointed in me," Harry sighed softly and then Louis nodded his head a little.

"Mine too," Louis admitted and then moved to sit down next to Harry wrapping his right arm around Harry to cuddle him close. "But we have to tell them at some point. And... I mean, they've had kids before. They'll know what to do and they'll be able to help us, yeah?" He asked. "We only have so many months before a baby is born. We don't have forever to prepare."

"Is it wrong to say that I'm kind of shocked about how much you've thought about this? I mean, don't get me wrong, it's just... I haven't even though about things like this. And I'm the one who's pregnant." Harry said softly.

"That's alright, love. That's why it takes two people to make a baby and not just one. Well, naturally anyway. We can figure out things together, yeah? Bounce opinions off of one another in regards to the little one," Louis said and Harry smiled a little. "So, if it is alright with you, I want to tell them this weekend."

"I don't... I don't want to tell them so soon," Harry admitted softly and then tilted his head to look at Louis. "Maybe next weekend. Or the weekend after that. Just... not this weekend, okay? Just want a few more weekends where my mum doesn't know her baby is carrying a baby." He said softly and Louis nodded a little.

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