chapter twenty-eight

Start from the beginning

"Okay, fine, we won't tell them until you're ready," Louis promised softly. "We should talk about the money thing again. Because I really would like to go ahead and call my aunt and ask if she has any positions opened. The sooner we start saving, the better. I mean, I already have some money saved up that was going towards a car, but who needs one anyway? And you have money saved as well, yeah?"

"Yeah," Harry said and nodded a little. "I think calling your aunt would be a good idea. After school Asher can take us over to the cafe to work... and then my sister or Asher could probably come to pick us up." He said softly. "We can do homework and actual work at the same time. During breaks, yeah?"

"I don't know. I've never had a job," Louis hummed softly. "I'll ask my aunt," He assured softly and then looked down at Harry. "So, assuming we both get jobs within the near future and also stay in school... what's it going to be like once the baby is here? Like childcare wise? Because I mean, after the baby is born I'm assuming you'll need to stay home for a while with him or her." Louis said, thinking aloud at this point, so Harry listened along. Then at some point, you'll have to go back to school. Which means we have to figure out a daycare plan. Because while we're at school someone has to watch the baby. And then we also have to decide if we're both going back to work or if one of us is staying home with the baby after school."

"My brain hurts," Harry sighed softly and then shook his head a little. "I don't know. Lou, we should take this one step at a time. We don't even know if we have jobs yet and the baby isn't due for another six months..." He said and then looked over at Louis.

"Harry, six months is practically nothing," Louis said softly as he looked at his boyfriend. "Do you know how much is about to change in the next six months? For one, you're going to start showing. Like, really showing. And our friends are going to find out we're having a baby. Then we'll find out who are true friends are based on who sticks around, yeah? The whole school will find out eventually and they'll start talking. Which means then our teachers will know. On top of that, our parents will know by then and who knows how that's all going to go? Also, we have to work and save money and still worry about keeping our grades up. We also have to figure out what baby stuff we need along with figuring out the answers to all of the questions on this list." He said and then motioned to the list in his hand.


"And on top of all of that, you're going to give birth. To a baby. Like an actual living, breathing baby. One that we, and we only will be completely responsible for." Louis said softly. "These next six months are going to fucking fly by. Which, I know is terrifying and I'm probably not helping by pointing all of this shit out, but I'm trying to be realistic here." He said. "We have a lot of growing up to do in these next six months. There's things we have to sacrifice and things that... are going to change and... I'm hoping it will all be worth it in the end. Because I love you and... you're having a baby. A baby that we made together. And we have to figure out how to be parents as freshmen in high school."

"Do you want me to keep it?" Harry asked as a genuine question because he didn't think Louis had ever stated what he wanted to happen. He only had asked what Harry had wanted to do.

"I just... I can't imagine having you go through an abortion. And I can't imagine us placing our kid up for adoption." Louis replied softly. "I mean, I've never planned for anything like this we are. And the other two options are just as scary as this option." He admitted. "And just because all of this is scary, it doesn't mean I'm just going to pretend this all isn't happening. Because it is. And I'll stand by your side no matter what you choose to do, Harry. But... yeah. I want you to keep it. If that's what you want to do. Although, you have the option to change your mind at any point if this all becomes too much for you."

"We really should have used a condom that night," Harry joked, trying to lighten the mood a bit because things just felt tense. Which, was something he was expecting but the feeling didn't exactly make him feel the most comfortable.

"Yeah, probably," Louis chuckled a little and then shook his head a little. "So... we'll take things one step at a time." He said and then looked over at Harry. "Step one is to talk to my aunt about job openings, step two is to tell our parents, and step three is to figure out where we're going to stay when the baby is born?" He asked and Harry nodded his head a little.

"Yeah, sounds... manageable," Harry admitted softly and then looked at Louis. "We should add figuring out how to tell our friends I'm pregnant into those steps." He said.

"We should just text the group chat," Louis joked and then Harry laughed a little. "They wouldn't take it nearly as seriously as they should." He smiled and then kissed Harry's forehead gently.

"You know, most of them don't even know we've been having sex," Harry said softly. "I mean, realistically the only two people who know are Zayn and Eleanor. And Zayn has no clue that Eleanor knows." He said and then hummed softly.

"We can lead with that in the text," Louis joked with a small laugh. "We'd be like 'Hey guys, just letting you know we've been having sex for a few months. Also, Harry's pregnant. Cheers!'" Louis chuckled and Harry rolled his eyes playfully before leaning in to press a small kiss to Louis' lips, which very quickly turned into a much deeper kiss without either one of them meaning for that to happen.

"I love you," Louis said softly when he pulled away to look down at his boyfriend's face. "Even if our relationship goes to shit in the near or distant future... I need you to know that I love you. I have since... forever. And you need to remember that when we go through rough patches or if our relationship ends. Remember that... no matter what we're going through, no matter the choices you make, or the things we do to upset each other... I love you. I think there's always going to be a part of me that loves you." He admitted softly.

Harry loved it when Louis got like this. A bit sappy and in his feels. Louis never talked to him in this way in front of anyone else. Harry loved that he was the only one who had the privilege of hearing Louis speak from his heart. He felt even more lucky that those words were being spoken to him. Louis was so sweet, that was one thing that Harry had always admired about him.

"I love you," Harry said softly before leaning back in to kiss Louis again, but this time he intentionally made their kiss much deeper, and much more loving than the last one.

Pretty sure this is the most chapters I have ever written for any book I have ever published! And this book is NOWHERE NEAR finished, by the way. I'm not sure how long it will be yet, but I do have an ending in mind. Maybe even a sequel... 

Anyway, this story has 3.5k reads! That's incredible considering I've only been writing this story since the beginning of November (2018). 

Huge thanks to all the readers who are reading every update and being patient with me regarding my updates! More are coming soon!

Don't forget to vote & comment! x

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