fairy tales

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Nothing is better than being a fairy.... except being a fairy in disguise as a human. The challenge is thrilling and exciting as you walk down the halls with rich bitch eyes shooting daggers at u and big egotistical Jocks eye fucking u, and the best part is you just act oblivious to the whole thing.
My name is Madison ann grey.. in the human world anyway. Im a senior in High school and your typical bad girl next door. Being a fairy and in your season is the hardest when your in the human world, your powers start to come out more and your wings wanna be in full bloom blossoming with gems and sparkles. Me being part snowflake dancer and part light dancer makes me a rare breed of power. When I'm sad it snows and when I get angry, lets just say there's gonna be power outages.
So now that u have a run down of my life lets get back to where the story really starts... 5 am fairy time.
I sprung out of my bed and fluttered around my room into my closet. Grabbing a frosty blue fur coat and my white knee high boots I buttoned up the holes that are open in the back so my wings can poke out and tugged on my boots making my way to the bathroom. I brush my blonde hair and brush my teeth, now fully prepared for my meeting with the queen. Me and a bunch of other council members are currently dealing with major threats to our world. See we live and thrive off the power of children's and other peoples beliefs in us and the meter has been dropping quickly.
Me and the rest of the council members sat and murmured amongst ourselves waiting for the meeting to start. The gavel tapping silences the whole room, "we are here today because our lives are in danger." Murmurs and gasps fall through the room. "What are we gonna do" a over dramatic middle aged fairy from the spring fields cries out in dramatic horror. I roll my eyes and raise my hand, "the humans are in disbelief and doubt us, cause they think what we do is an everyday natural scientific occupation. What if we sent scouts over to the human world.. as humans to spread the belief again.. think about it, 3 new girls show up and then unoriginal stuff starts to happen, their minds start to ponder the wheels get to turning and then bam, they're thinking it's something unscientific, witches, ghost, fairies.. the town starts talking people are either gonna think they're nuts or its all gonna make sense. This is a 50/50 shot." The room is silent.. finally the queen speaks "pull 2 girls to go with you, you have 3 hours. Council dismissed."

Lots of love - Kissable_

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2018 ⏰

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