the book

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I walked through the doors of the city library my camera hanging around my neck. I made my way past the old ladies behind the front desk, each one had their hair pulled back in a low bun with a pencil poked through the middle. They smiled and waved at me in sync like robots set on a motion timer. I smiled back a plastic smile and made my way to the section with the history books, I have a stupid project due on the 1920's. As I was walking down through the rows of dusty boring books a girl stood with a stack of books in her arms and I could just barely see the top of her head, I silently judged and went to go reach for a book and her hand went out to the same book. "Excuse me but I was going to get -" she lowered the stack of books so I could see her face and I choked up on the rest of my sentence. She smiled "you certainly don't look like you've ever been in a library before", she took in my appearance. I felt my face tense up as I went to go insult her back, but couldn't find anything to say, she had her brown hair pulled into a neat bun at the crown of her head, her hazel eyes dazzled and they lit up her whole face and the freckles on the bridge of her nose and her cheek bones, she had full plump natural pink lips. I smiled and reached for my camera, "may I?" I asked and she nodded her head. "Great, thank you, can you just go back to holding the books like you were before?" She smiled and nodded her head as she lifted the books just so I can see the top of her head. I snapped a few pics and smiled. "Lily what's taking you so long" her friend came around the corner, and she too had the same hair style, but blue eyes and black hair. "We have a dance report due on-" she stopped speaking when she saw the situation lily was in. "Oh my bad, I'll just go finish our ballet report." As she slowly made her way back to their table. I turned my attention back to lily. "If you just give me 30 minutes, I'll be done with the book and then you can have it." She smiled at me "that's fine." I smiled back, "your welcome to come join me and rose." She offered and I could see the blush creep up on her cheeks. "If you don't mind." I gave a genuine smile and followed her to the table. As we approached rose wiggled her eyebrows at lily and then laughed.
I took my seat across from rose next to lily. "So your a photographer?" Rose questioned her eyes landing on my camera. "Its more of a hobby." I smile back, "and you and Lily are...?" "Were dancers." she laughed a bit, and finished typing up some words. I turned to look at lily and for the first time I looked at the rest of her, she was slender and she looked so fragile. "Don't move" I smiled and picked up my camera again snapping a few more photos. The sun was peeping through the windows and with the way she was sitting the light radiated her face, she looked like an angel.
After about 45 minutes she handed me the book and started to type away on her computer. When I didn't get up and leave she turned her attention to me again. "Is there something you would like to say?" She asked and for the first time I noticed she spoke with a French accent. "Uhhh, I was wondering if I could get yournumber and I could maybe see you later?" She smiled and rose got up and walked away, "I would love that." She smiled again and I felt my knees go weak, we exchanged numbers and I left.
I finished typing up mine and Roses jazz report. "Well, he was cute" she chimed in. I smiled thinking back to his dirty blonde hair, pale green eyes, the faint freckles that only one could notice if they payed attention. "Yea" I sighed a sweet sigh and my phone vibrated, I smiled looking down at it
"Hey it's trey."
"Hi." I giggled a bit
"When can I see you again?" I smiled he wanted to see me again.
"Well I have ballet until 6 tonight."
"Can we meet at the diner after?"
"The one on the corner of 3rd st and 56th lane?"
"Meet around 7?" I smiled again and gathered up my things. Slipping my computer into it's bag, and returning all the books we collected off the shelves. Rose and I made our way to the our car we have forty five minutes to get to the studio and hand in our reports.
We pulled up to the studio and strolled through the doors. "Good morning ladies." "Good morning Jose." we greeted our instructors assistant and handed him our reports.
Me and Rose warmed up till all the newer girls started come in. Rose and I stood taking our places at the barre (bar).
They all stared and snickered at us, "why are they just standing at the Barre?" "Idk maybe they forgot that they're supposed to warm up first." I smiled at Rose in the mirror. "LADIES, WHY ARE WE JUST SITTING THERE!?"  Our instructor arrives at the studio and expects us to already be warm and ready for class. "DO YOU SEE LILY  AND ROSE, SITTING AROUND DOING NOTHING?! NO THEY'RE AT THE BARRE READY FOR CLASS TO START, THESE ARE MY PRIMA (pre-ma) BALLERINAS. THEY SET THE BARRE FOR YOU GUYS AND RIGHT NOW SOME OF YOU ARE LOOKING AT YOUR FIRST DAY TO BE YOUR LAST IN MY CLASS." The girls scrambled to get up off the floor, and taking position at the barre. "Oh and girls we will do some Barre technique and as punishment today you will sit and watch the Primas do a photoshoot." The dirty glances we received... boy if looks could kill, me and Rose would have been dead when they walked through the door. "Okay let's start with the basic plié combination. 5,6,7,8, Demi 1, Demi 2, Demi 3, Demi 4, and Grand plié. Take the full 8 count to plié (plea- ae), Victoria, why are your knees not over your ankles, and why is your butt sticking out, hip hop is down the hall to the right consider yourself dismissed for the day. Now let's do the basic dégagé (day-ga-jay) and tendus. First position, arms in first devant (means front)  and tendu 1 tendu 2 tendu 3 and-" the door clicks open and I nearly choked on my own breath, trey walks through the door holding his camera and studio lights. "Girls take a seat, Lily, Rose this is Trey, he's going to be taking photos of you guys today." Start the contemporary leap combination across the floor." Me and rose waited in B+ (one foot behind the other. The front foot is flat and the back foot is arched). The music started and me and Lily disc turned intoa tuck land "hold the fish roll ladies so Trey can get a pic please" (a fish roll you take your wait over one shoulder and you can land into a split, on your stomach or you can hold it and come up from the roll in a six o clock.) Me and Rose rolled over placing our right foor on the floor and held it. Trey moved his lighting closer to us and scooted down on the ground at an angle. He took a few pics and then moved the lighting out of the way.
After a few more hours we were done. Trey shook our hands and thanked our teacher one last time before walking out. "Splendid girls, absolutely lovely." We took a bow, as a thank you and smiled. "Primas you are dismissed. But the next part of your punishment young ladies." She turned her attention to the new girls. "Turn sequences, up now! 3 minutes to streatch, be ready in 4th, when I get back." They made their way out to the floor and started to warm up. Me and Rose walked out the door to studio A and made our way to the lobby. "Thank you so much for taking photos of my girls, they're the pride and joy of this company." Our instructor babbled on to Trey. "Well they're quite lovely girls, I met them earlier today at the library I smiled at him as he smiled back. "Let me guess, you may Lily first?" "Well I didn't really mean too, when I saw her I could only see the top of her head just over the stack of books she was holding, and we both went to grab the same book and that's how I met her." His eyes never leaving mine, I blushed several shades of pink and tucked a piece of hair behind me ears, now that it was all falling out of my bun. "You ready to go?" Trey turned his attention back to me and held out his arm as gesture. We walked out of the studio my arm linked around his.
*SNEAK PEAK AT THE NEW TRILOGY COMING YOUR WAY. BOOK 1: THE BOOK, BOOK 2: THE CLIENT, BOOK 3: THE REUNION. Each is mostly about Trey and the books are connected by very small but important details*

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