the hallmark ending

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I sat on the bleachers watching the softball game when my friend rick came up and sat next to me, his blonde hair brushed over, like one of those fuck boy hair cuts, but it looked good on him. I smiled and scooted over so he had room to sit, his cologne smelled indescribable but it made me melt on the inside and . I sighed and scooted in close to him my head on his shoulder. "How was your day beautiful?" I smiled as the words poured off his toung like rain down a window and I smiled "it was okay, it's better now that I get to see my best friend." He smiled and I smiled back, "your smile is so perfect" he whispered in my ear and I blushed 50 shades of scarlet. We sat and watched the game for a good hour before I got really cold, "can you walk with me to go get a blanket from my car" I looked into his ocean blue eyes and blinked my soft pale blue ones back at him, sticking out my bottom lip. He laughed and nodded his head at me as we made our way to my car to get my blanket. We walked in silence but not that awkward heavy silence, but that nice silence like when rain falls and you sit in silence drinking a cup of hot chocolate. When we got to my car I unlocked the door and bent down grabbing my red blanket. I stood up and closed the door as I went to turn around rick pressed his body against mine and I felt my breath hitch in my throat, my mind racing a million miles per minute. "Is he gonna kiss me, does he like me, do I want him to kiss me?" When his lips made their way to my forehead and he placed a soft kiss I melted and I could feel the craving of him in my veins as my body begged for him to do more but my mind started racing again. "His reputation, he party's all the time, he's a typical football player, don't fall for him, this isn't a movie vic-" my mind stopped racing when I felt his lips on my neck, it wasn't the kind of kiss on the neck that puts you in a mood, it was more soft and sweet, as my knees got weak under me. His arms wrapped around my waist and he placed a half kiss on the corner of my lips. Then backed away from me heading back torwards the game. I wrapped the blanket around me and made my way back a few steps behind him.
Later that night I stood in the shower letting the hot water run over my body, as I stood there staring at nothing lost in my thoughts as if I was froze there in that moment. " why did he kiss me? Does he like me, was it just to see my reaction?" I pondered my thoughts for a bit longer and I sighed getting out of the shower, this was pointless a guy like Rick, my bestfriends brother like figure, this was disaster from the get go. I grabbed a towel and walked to my closest, leaving little droplets of water across my hard wood flooring. I slipped on my pink velvet shorts and a black lacey bralett then crawled into bed, checking my phone. I texted Rick "good night" and clicked my phone off rolling over falling into a sleep.
I swear I wasn't asleep four hours when my phone started to vibrate continuesly, I groaned reaching around for my phone and picked it up answering with a rather grumpy "hello", "hey beautiful", I smiled and felt the tingly sensation in my stomach, "what's wrong rick" I sat up now realizing he was probably drunk at some party or- " well I'm standing outside your house." My eyes grew wide in shock, "Rick what the hell are you doing here" I got up from my bed and made my way to my window and saw the rain shine through the street lights. "Come to the front door I'll let you in and get you a towel." I walked down the stairs and made my way to the door, good thing my parents are away on a business trip. I opened my front door and there stood a soaking wet rick, blonde hair dripping down in his face. I stepped aside and motioned for him to come in and went to the spare bathroom to get him a towel. I smiled and wrapped the towel around his shoulders, and walked to the stove, setting a kettle on the top and grabbed the ingredients for hot chocolate. "Thank you Vic." His voice wasn't his soft sweet voice, like normal it was flat and lifeless. " what's wrong rick?" I walked closer to him and reached out wrapping my arms around him, his head rested in the crook of my shoulder and I rubbed his back as I felt the soft sobs he cried. I pulled back and lifted his face so it was looking at mine, "is it your parents again?" I sighed and whipped away his tears as he nodded his head. The kettle on the stove started to squeal and I backed away from him, to finish the hot chocolate. I took and grabbed the coffee cups and poured the water and coco mix into the cups and stirred the mix, grabbing the whip cream from the fridge. I handed him his cup and we made our way down to the sun room and sat in the window seat, I clicked on the Christmas lights and handed him a blanket. I took a seat across from him as he stared blankly out the window. "Do you need a place to stay" I looked up at him and he blankly noded his head yes. I hate seeing him like this, my heart ached for him but I know when he's like this he pushes people away. I set my cup on the table and took his from his hands setting it next to mine. I pulled him torward me as he layed down against my chest, my hands running through his hair, his damp clothes- shit his clothes are still wet. "Can I go get you some sweat pants and get you out of these wet ones please" my voice kind of giggly but still soft, he nodded and sat up. I stood and reached my hand out for him to follow we trudged up the stairs to my room where his sweat pants are, since I've had them for about 3 months. I hand him the black cotton sweats, " I don't have a shirt for you though" I sighed, "it's fine thank you beautiful" he smiled and leaned down kissing my head and disappeared into the bathroom. I smiled a bit and fiddled with the necklace around my neck. The sound of the door opening made my eyes dart up to look at him, and my breath hitched in my throat again, seeing him in his sweats leaning against my door frame, shirtless, my eyes wondered down his body and then back to his eyes. "I'll take that." I stuck my hand out and reached for his wet shirt as he handed it over. We made our way back down the stairs and back to the sun room. Rick sat down and picked up his hot chocolate again. I went to go put his t shirt in the dryer even tho I wasn't complaining about him being shirtless, his arm muscles and the veins that pop out his arms god hand crafted his body I swear. I made my way back to window seat and wrapped myself up in a blanket across from Rick drinking my hotchoclate. I took the cup down from my lips and looked up at Rick and he burst out laughing. "What's so funny." I looked at him and tilted my head to the side. "You got a little something." He leaned forward and reached out to my nose wiping the whip cream off my nose. "Stick out your toung." He smirked as my mouth opened and he stuck the finger with whip cream on my toung. My eyes met his as I sucked the whip cream off his finger I could feel the mood heat up quickly. He smiled at me and drew his finger away hooking it under my chin guiding me closer to him. His eyes gazed upon my lips and then back to my eyes as he leaned in to me. My lips gently brushed against his and we both paused before he gently pushed his lips against mine. His hand snaked around my waist pulling me to him, his body heat radiated against my skin and I felt safe in his arms, in that moment the world froze over and it was just the two of us. As we broke away, I smiled and rested my head on his chest and passed into a deep sleep.

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