when we die

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"You see rose there is this place that was created by the Gods in Egypt for their souls and their people's souls to go when they were ready to step down from their positions." Her eyes grew wide as I tucked her into the blue and white polka dotted sheets. "They believed in riches after life and they wanted a paradise to spend eternity." So they went to Amun the God of creation, and they told him about this place and they wanted to call it 'the after world'. He was so impressed by the idea of it, that instantly they started sculpting out the place soon to be praised by all. I leaned down and brushed her hair out of the way of her eyes. "Creating the after world took 3 years to complete, and when they were done the sky was a sapphire blue with puffy white clouds, and it peacefully kisses the horizon connecting to beautiful river front houses. Everyone who was sick will be magically healed and given a house by the river. It was supposed to be a peaceful place for all but then Bes the god of people, demanded that people who sinned, did not deserve a rewarding after life." Rose cried "why would he do such a thing?!" My baby girls eyes grew wide her 4 year old imagination probably running wild. "This angered the other Gods and they demanded war!" My voice grew loud for the dramatic effect. "They believed the after world was for everyone sinners or not. They wanted a place of peace and happiness, where they had all 4 seasons year round and everyone got to live their after life as they wanted. When it rained it was the peaceful and beautiful kind of rain, and lilies and roses bloomed on the corner of every street by the street lights." Rose stretched and yawned rubbing her eyes, I smiled and continued on. "And there are play grounds for the children and the ice cream trucks roam the streets Friday through Sunday. The gods agreed that this place was truly built for everyone, and that shall be where we go when its over."

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