surfs up

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The sun rise was a deep orange and pink. The salt water mixed in with the sand and the smell of early morning. I made my way down to the waters edge, feeling every little grain of sand between my toes. My white and pink marble designed surf board eager to lay atop the the waves as they strive to kiss the sand.
I inhaled one more time and took off torwards the waves. I layed on my board paddling my way torwards them the early morning adrenalin pumping through my blue and purple veins. As I got further out a monstrosious wave started to form and I turned myself around paddling towards the shore as the wave lifted my bored, I steadied myself standing up and rode the wave I placed my hand out and ran my fingers through the waves hair. I turned myself around and went the other way the wave folding over me now on the verge of breaking. The sun was further up now and a life gaurd sat at post watching me.
I was a quarter of the way into shore when something scrapped the bottom of my board and it started rocking, I got it steady again and continued in torward the shore, then the board started to shake and wobble and I lost my footing, I slipped hitting my head on the board and from there I was under water. Thank God I can hold my breath for a long time, cause I couldn't stand back up or get on my board if I tried. I must have been a ways out cause after what felt like three minutes I still couldn't get above water to breath. I started to get dizzy and my eyes got heavy, my back smacked the bottom of something and I felt a sudden burning sensation. By the time I got closer in I felt my board rise up above water and I struggled to grab a hold of my board as I started to black out I managed to get some what up but I still wasn't strong enough and I lost my grip smacking my head on a rock when I fell. 
"Hold on, stay with me" a faint voice in my head. Then air filled my lungs and I sat up coughing and trying to breath all at once. I looked to my right  and a Spanish  boy with black hair and brown eyes was staring at me in relief. "I thought you were gonna die on me". I looked at him "where is my board" and he pointed up by his post. "Thank you." I offered him a smile and he smiled back "I'm Julio by the way." "Rose" I gigled. "So what exactly happened to you out there?" I sighed "I don't really know something rocked my board and I lost my footing, but I don't think it was a shark cause I'm sure he would have eaten me" I awkwardly laughed. "Im just glad your okay" he smiled at me and I sighed, standing up going to get my board. "Where you going" he questioned me as I grabbed my board.  "It's only six o clock, I noticed that you have board too, and I don't let a wipe out stop me." I grinned walking slowly torward the sand. His voice filled the air as he shouted "surfs up beach babe" running past me in the process. I laughed and picked up my speed to catch up to him and we spent a good two hours out on our boards.
We came back into shore around eight and the pedestrians started to flood in and suddenly the beach was a hurricane of people loud chatter about everything, shirtless guys hitting on innocent girls, the common beach sluts walking around in thong bottoms and a very little coverage uptop. It was great Julio let me hang out with him at his post, and when the beach sluts made their way down to Julio's post he dismissed them with a eye roll and continued his conversation with me.
By six the beach had been shut down and Julio was off work. So we made our way down the sand line the waves nipping at our toes as he chased me down the beach our laughs  mixed with the quiet sound of the waves passionately kissing the sand. Once he got me he spun me around and pulled me into his chest. His head came down and rested on my head and the moon light shined over us like a spot light and the once Dancing stars and passionate love from the waves all came to a sudden pause and in that moment it was just me and him. He smiled and I smiled back, "surfs up babe?" "surfs up" I confirmed as our faces became closer. and closer.

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