Chapter 12: Bloody Hell

Start from the beginning

Vlad! Vlad! Can you hear me?! Marinette wasn't completely sure if Vlad could hear her but she kept trying. VLAD!!!!

Ow! Marinette what are you doing? Are you trying to give me a headache?

Vlad! There's someone here looking for you!

That's no reason to start-

He tried to hurt Max and threatened to kill me if I contacted you! Vlad didn't respond back immediately. Marinette started to panic at the silence. Why wasn't Vlad responding back?

What did he look like?

He's covered up so I don't know. All I know is that he has fangs. That last word was what made Vlad panic.

Are you still alone with him?!

No. Adrien is fighting him as Chat.

Don't leave him alone!!! Transform, call for more back up, and stall him until I get there!

But how-

JUST DO IT!!! The moment Vlad told her that, Marinette's body and mouth just moved on its own.

"Tikki! Spots on!!" And then she activates her GPS setting in her ear communicator.

Chat's body felt like it was on fire, his body unable to stand up. The figure was faster than he thought and while he did mostly miss, his punches did have some sort of force to it. He wasn't sure if he could keep going but he knew he had to. For his Lady. For his friends.

"Why don't you just stand down? You're just making things worse." The figure said confidently, despite the fact that he was in worse condition.

"I won't let you hurt anyone else. I will stop you." The figure scoffed. He limped forward and grabbed a handful of Chat's hair. He lifts him up, making Chat see him eye to eye. His green cat eyes looking at hazel eyes.

"You can't even stand. How can you defeat me?" The figure pulled back and landed a powerful punch on his stomach.

Blood escape Chat's mouth. The only thing Chat could hear was his Lady's scream.

Ladybug could only watch in horror as Chat fell back down on the ground, clutching his stomach, whimpering quietly. The figure scoff again, slightly kicking Chat again in the stomach.

"Guess you weren't all that tough. I don't understand what Hawkmoth and Mayura were warning me about. You're all talk and no bite." Ladybug's blood started to boil. This monster was hurting her friend.

Her Chat.

Her Adrien.

"Hey! Why don't you leave him alone and fight me!?" Ladybug swung her yo-yo and wrapped it around the figure's wrist. She pulled, making the creature shift toward her. The figure hisses and yanked the yo-yo string. Ladybug lost her footing and was flung forward. Luckily, she was able to flip above him and landed a kick on his head. As his body started to bend down, she landed another kick behind his knee, causing him to kneel. She released her yo-yo grip and created distances, hoping to buy some time to make a plan. But that was hopeful thinking. The distances were covered very easily by the figure, running as if her kick did nothing to him. He kicked her stomach, almost piercing through her body, then punched her face. Then he quickly grabbed Ladybug's throat and lifted her up off the ground. Just like Max. The air slowly left her lungs and the world started to blur. Her brain slowly shutting down her senses as she choked on her own blood.

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