Chapter 12: Bloody Hell

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Warning: This chapter will have slight cursing and slight violence. It's not a lot but it's still enough. If you are uncomfortable with that or under the age of 16, please skip this chapter. Otherwise, read on.

Marinette froze as the hooded figure lifted Max up off the ground. She felt like her body was frozen and she couldn't even breath as she watched the figure squeeze Max's throat tighter. Ben and Gwen tried to move forward but the figure stopped them.

"Not another step. Or this old man will take his last breath here." To prove his point, the figure tensed his grip further, making Max gasp for air. "Now. Where is Vlad?"

"We don't know. He's always secretive from us." Gwen said as she kept her eyes on him.

"Blah blah blah! We won't tell you so let Grandpa Max go!" Ben said, ready to hit his watch. The figure smiled and slowly scan the small crowd.

"You don't have to. One of you is thinking about it." His line of sight fell on Marinette in the back of the crowd. She felt her mind was being invaded and nothing could stop it. Marinette did try to mentally push him out but it was to no use. He was able to find it. "You."

He dropped Max and charged at her. She tried to dodge him but was too slow. Everything around her became a blur. In three seconds, both the figure and her were in a different part of the school. The figure grabbed her arm and pulled it behind her back. She tried to struggle but the figure wrapped his arm around her neck and pulled her close to his chest. The pain in her arm intensified as she tried to break free with her other.

"You're going to lead me to Vlad and I won't rip your arm off." Marinette tried to escape but the pain in her arm screamed so loud, she could hear her heartbeat echoed in her ears. "Don't even think about it. If you try anything, like call your friends for backup or let Vlad know, blood will be spilled."

Marinette was so scared for her friends. She didn't know what to do. She couldn't activate her Miraculous or mentally call for Vlad. She wasn't even sure if he knew anything about her.

"Let go of her!" A voice rang out from above. Marinette knew who it was and prayed he wouldn't do anything rash. The figure tightened his grip and started to back up, forcing Marinette to follow. Before they could disappear further into the school, a black blur rushed towards them, claws extended and ready to strike.

"Chat, no!!" Marinette screamed. But it was too late. Chat was already a few feet away, his claws ready to shred someone apart. His handsome face twisted with an anger she had never seen. His eyes were so animalistic that she didn't even recognize the person she loved so much. He was five feet away when the figure stumbled back, taking Marinette with him. It caused a small gap between them and his grip loosened a bit. This was enough for Marinette to slip out and fall into Chat's arms. She would have felt safer in his arms if he didn't have such a terrifying expression. Chat created some distance before turning toward her.

"Marinette! Are you okay?" Chat said as his face softened greatly.

"I'm fine. Thanks, Chat." Marinette steadied herself on her feet and faced the figure. Time for Ladybug Mode. The figure muttered under his breath and was about to charge again but was stopped by Chat's baton being extended to his stomach. Chat charged again, swinging his baton, trying to hit the monstrous figure. But the figure just dodged, not even landing a hit on Chat himself.

"Back off cat boy!" He yelled as he sidestepped.

"Marinette! Go get help!" Chat yelled. Marinette was going to object but realized that she couldn't do anything until she transformed into Ladybug or until help came. Plus, the figure would be too busy with Chat to notice her contact the other heroes. She quickly nodded and turn the corner. She was about to transform when she remembered Vlad. The figure wanted to find him and from the way he talked about Vlad, they might have some history. So the first thing Marinette did was contact Vlad telepathically.

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