Chapter 5: Getting to know each other

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"That was such a long class," Chloé said as she plops down on the chair. Never in her life had she deal with so much physical work, even as Queen Bee.

"Not to mention our arms probably feel like jelly," Alya said as she slightly swings her arms side to side. "At least my arms do."

"We can blame Vlad for that," Robbie muttered. Chloé scoffed and kicked Robbie's chair. "Ow! What was that for?!"

"It's not his fault. If I remember correctly, you started a war between all of us just because you got mad at how Vlad stopped us."

"Why don't you shut up you little b-"

"Robbie!" The redhead forest girl said as she punches his arm. "You need to learn to take responsibility and not put it on someone else!"

"Ow! Wendy! That really hurts!"

"Oh stop winning. Besides, we should be lucky that our third class is right next door to the Dome."

Chloé rolled her eyes and glance over at Vlad. He was sitting far away from everyone else. He was doodling in his sketchbook, even though he should have sore arms like the rest of them. He would pause to look at the book before doodling again. In a way, he reminded Chloé of Nathaniel, how he would draw for the whole class period and get caught for not paying attention. She wonders how he and everyone else was doing back home. How was her daddy doing? Was he doing alright without her or did he even care she's gone?

"Chloé? Chloé?" Marinette snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Huh? What?"

"I was asking if you were ready for this class."

"Oh! Of course, I am! Why wouldn't I?"


The door slammed open to reveal two old men. One looked like a businessman trying too hard to impress someone. The other one looked like a scientist and a treasurer hunter had a child. Despite dressing so differently, Chloé could tell they were twins: same body structure, nearly identical faces, and the same kind brown eyes.

"Stan! Why did you do that?!" The scientist hunter said to businessman Stan.

Stan just shrugged and said in a scratchy voice, "I wanted to show these punks that we can make a good impression."

"So slamming the door and standing there like government agents were what you were going for?" The boy in the lumberjack hat said. The way he said that made it sound like he personally knew him.

"Of course. The police make it look fun." Stan crossed his arms and smirked.

"Only you would say that Stanley." The short white haired boy said.

"Hey! That's Mr. Stan to you, you little puppet."

"Why you-!"

"Enough!" The scientist hunter said, dropping a stack of books on the desk. "Everyone, take a seat."

Once everyone sat down, the scientist hunter cleared his throat and said, "Greetings class. My name is Stanford Pines and this is my twin brother Stanley Pines."

"Just call me Mr. Stan and him Dr. Ford." Mr. Stan said.

"Anyway, in this class, we will be learning about other dimensions and their history. Each dimension has its own set of events that set it apart from each other. The smallest event can change the entire history and create something new," Dr. Stan looked at the students for a few seconds before continuing. "I even have a feeling none of you got to know each other."

"It's that obvious?" Adrien asked. Everyone was sitting close to people they knew very well and kept a same distance from the others.

"Quite. And this class is to help you learn about others. So instead of doing a written assignment, we will be introduction ourselves. Please set the chairs in a semicircle."

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