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Finally we're done with practice for today. At least I can just rest until it's time for me to go to bed.

"What are you gonna do today since we finished practice early?" Renjun asked

"Um take a shower then watch the tv which I call dibs"

"Ugh dang it I was gonna watch some but fine" Chenle said while putting his head against the window.

After I took a shower, I put on some black sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt and went strait to the tv. Finally some time for me to relax. After about an hour of watching tv, I came channel surfing and can across a interview. It's Y/N? I decided to stay watching...she's still beautiful as always. Then I heard my name..

"There has been rumors about you two having feelings for each other? Is that correct?"


Of course...she likes Donghyun...

I turn the tv off and go to my room. I mean I'm happy that fans want us to be together...but that's obviously not going to happen though.

"Hey! How was the interview?" Daeun asked me while I come inside the practice room.

"Good..but a bit uncomfortable..." I said sorta looking at the ground.

"Why was it uncomfortable?" Hyorin asked

"Because the interviewer asked about Jisung..."

"Oh..but why would she bring up Jisung though?" Eunji said

"Well first off it was because were both on Dancing High and on the same team, same entertainment label, both 17, and a lot more in common. From what the interviewer said".

"Wow" they all said

"And apparently there's rumors about Jisung and I possibly liking each other.." I said with my head low.

"Oooh" Chaeun said smiling and laughing

"But the real question you?" Daeun asked as they all came a bit closer to me.


Then they all started jumping up and down screaming and running all over the room.

"Awww!!" Hyorin And Chungha said together

"I doubt he likes me back anyways..."

"Hey don't say that" Eunji said patting my back

"Exactly. You never know Y/N. There could be a chance that he does like you Y/N", Daeun said.

A few hours later you ended practice late at night and all went home together. You get into bed while yawning.

"Tomorrow will be a good last practice" you said then closed your eyes.

DANCING HIGH(PARK JISUNG)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt