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I woke up around 10:00 a.m, but not because I have practice with the group like usual. I have dance practice with Team Hoya instead, the practice starts at 11:30, but I don't know what time we end. Which doesn't really matter to me because I don't have a busy schedule today.

"Good morning Y/N", Daeun said while walking into my room without knocking.
Typical of her, I thought to myself while chuckling a little bit.

"Good morning", I said while being half awake. "Eunji's making breakfast for us", Daeun said.

"Okay I'll be right down"

I went downstairs and saw the rest of the members sitting down at the table eating already, while I saw Eunji making my omelette.

"Hey Y/N", Chungha said before taking a sip of her water. "Hi", I said.

"You guys are so lucky, you guys have no practice again", I said with a frown.

"I know right, ha it sucks for you, you still have practice with Team Hoya", Chaeun said while laughing.

"What time does practice start?" Daeun asked, "Oh um 11:30, so I'm leaving soon".

It's now 11:00 and your leaving in a few minutes. You were just on your phone in your room when your manager called you down.

"Y/N come down, were leaving", my manager said.

I grabbed my bag and put on my shoes and went out.

You were in the car listening to Potion by Eric Nam. 15 minutes later you arrived. "Bye", you said while getting out of the van.

"Jisung were here", Johnny said waiting for me to get out of the car. "K bye", I said then left and went inside.

While I was heading towards the stairs, I saw Y/N heading towards the same direction as me.

"Hey Jisung", Y/N said while walking up the stairs with me.

"Hi..", I said awkwardly, why do I have to be so awkward?

"Do you know what time practice ends for today?", she asked. "Oh um I don't know, Hoya didn't send out a text or email this week", I said.


We both reached our team's practice room, and saw that everyone was already there. Some were playing around and some were stretching.

"Ayee our two kpop idols finally made it!!", Jiwon said while shouting to us joy and laughter.

"Hey", I said to everyone but bowed to Hoya.

The time was now 3:00 and you all were exhausted from practicing non stop. You guys decided to be on break for about 30 minutes.

We've only been practicing for a few hours and we got down the dance and everything, but we still have some things to clean up in the dance.

"Hey Y/N do you have practice with your group members after this dance practice?" Seohyun asked while laying down on the couch.

"No, but my members are very lucky because they don't have practice again for the second time this week", I said while taking a sip from my water.

"At least you got one day off right?" Donghyun asked,

"Yeah, I went shopping with my friend Rose"

"WAIT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ROSE FROM BLACKPINK?!" Hayoon asked while all the other teammates were shocked except Jisung.

"Are you guys best friends?" Jisung asked

"Yeah..I've known her since before and after I debuted", I said.

"OMG YOUR SO LUCKY Y/N!" Seohyun said while still freaking out.

"Okay guys lets get back to practicing", Hoya said while we were getting into our spots.

Time skip to two hours later

I'm supposed end practice early today because I have a meeting today. "Okay guys good work today, let's leave it off for today because I have to leave early".

The dancers were packing up their bags and started to all leave as a group, when I got a text message saying that the meeting is canceled. Oh okay so that means I can keep them to practice a few more hours

"Hey everyone, never mind. My meeting just got canceled so can everybody get back in here?" I asked

"Okay so I'm going to have you guys practice for a few more hours...okay?" I asked

They all nodded and went back to practice.

A few more hours? It's already 4:30 and we still have to practice for a few more hours til it probably gets dark.

"Okay guys can we start from the "I got new rules" part?" Hoya asked us

The time was now 7:00 and you wanted to go back to the dorms and shower so badly.

"Everyone good job today and now you guys can finally go home and rest", Hoya said.

You, Hayoon and Seohyun were walking out together while the boys were walking together too. While you guys were walking you saw the black van said your goodbyes to the girls and left.

"Hey Y/N how was practice, and you guys were practicing for so long, you guys must have been exhausted. But luckily your practice for Dancing High tomorrow is only going to be for 2 hours", my manager asked.

"Yeah..and Hoya was supposed to have a meeting a few hours ago which then practice would have ended early. But it got canceled so he made us practice a bit longer".

While your were still on your way to the dorm you fell asleep practicing for so long.

DANCING HIGH(PARK JISUNG)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora