Chapter Twenty Six

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Spencer sits awake in her and Tony's bed, her knees pulled up so she can rest a pad of paper on them, her pen working over the page. Tony shifts beside her and wakes. He looks to her and then leans up.

"What are you doing?" Tony asks sleepily leaning over to rest his chin on her shoulder, his eyes on the paper on her knees.

"Just....making a list" she answers, he rubs his eye and yawns.

"About what?" he asks. She looks to him and smiles a little kissing his nose, he wrinkles it and smiles.

"About everything" she answers. "Go back to sleep" she whispers, he settles against her side, head in the crook of her neck, he snores, she smiles sadly and pats the side of his head before going back to her list.


Tony wakes first, arm tight around Spencer, holding her pretty much as close as he can get her. He smiles a little and curls around her before remembering everything, he sighs softly and pulls back from her, his fingers grazing over the pad of paper, he lifts his head to look over her shoulder. Tony lifts up the pad of paper to look over the list, his eyes turn sad reading it:

1. Family box for Trinity; she's a Winchester too.

2. Write out instructions for Tony; but he knows

3. Talk to Dean; he'll teach Trinity to drive

4. Talk to Happy; he'll reteach Trinity how to drive properly.

5. Talk to Pepper; She will be the one to teach Trinity about the girl stuff.

6. Hunting manual; better to be safe then sorry

7. Letters for Trinity; just so she knows

8. Letters for Tony; just so he knows

Tony looks to Spencer sleeping and then back to the list.

9. Write a will; don't have much but it'll go to Trinity for later

10. Tell your daughter you love her; every day

11. Marry the man you love

"What are you doing?" Spencer scolds Tony, he looks to her, a few tears sliding down his cheek. She sighs and takes the list from him. "It's just a rough draft" she argues.

"You shouldn't...have to" he starts.

"We talked about this" she argues. "Tony, it's going to happen. I have to be prepared" she looks away.

"No, that's....not" he argues back climbing into bed with her taking the list from her. "This is not a proper bucket list" he tells her, she shoots him a look. "This is the boring stuff" he throws the list away. "Where's the skydiving? Where's and the shark hugging?" her look turn soft. "Okay, we'll do the boring stuff....later" he pulls her closer nuzzling into her neck. "But first, we're going to do the fun stuff" he presses his lips to her skin. " are going to talk to Jarvis and pick out the first place we are going to go" he pulls back. "I'm going to get the princess" he climbs out of bed, Spencer smiles.

"Tony?" she asks, he looks to her pulling on his jeans. "Thank you" he winks at her and then leaves the room. She nuzzles into his pillow and turns onto her back. "Jarvis"

"Yes, Miss Winchester..." he states softly.

"Can you randomly assign every country a number and then generate a random number?" She raises an eyebrow.

"5" Jarvis tells her.

"Which is where?" she asks.

"Bahamas" Jarvis answers.

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