Chapter Eighteen

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Sam-demon is now tied to a chair, before a fire and under the very same protective circle. Dean smacks him in the face to wake him. Spencer stands behind Dean.

"Hey" Dean greets harshly. Sam looks up, sees the painted Devil's Trap. Dean looks up too.

"Dean. Back from the dead. Getting to be a regular thing for you, isn't it? Like a cockroach" Sam-demon complains.

"How about I smack that smartass right out of your mouth?" Dean asks.

"Oh, careful, now. Wouldn't want to bruise this fine packaging."

"Oh don't worry, this isn't gonna hurt Sam much" Dean turns to pick up a bucket. "You, on the other hand ..." Dean tosses a bucketful of holy water on Sam-demon, who sizzles and roars.

"Feel like talking now?" Spencer asks.

"Sam's still my meat puppet. I'll make him bite off his tongue"

"No, you won't be in him long enough. Spencer" Spencer looks down at the book in her hand.

"Exorcisamus te, omnes in mundus spiritus omnes satanica potestas, omnes incursio ..."

"What the hell..." Spencer and Dean snap their heads around to find Tony watching them, wide eyed, slightly alarmed.

"Tony" Spencer scolds. "I told you to wait upstairs...."

"Now I see why" he points at Sam. "What?" he asks. "Is this some....weird satanic....kill your brother ritual....?"

"No" Dean and Spencer state together.

"It's an exorcism" Dean tells Tony who gives him a look.

"Oh...everything is so much clearer now" Tony snarks. "Not" Dean looks to Spencer and narrows his eyes a little.

"Spencer" he starts. "What does Tony think we do?" he asks her, she looks down.

"Pest control" she answers.

"You didn't tell him" Dean scolds.

"I didn't know how, I've never told anyone before....." she argues.

"Spence" Dean nods to where Tony was, only he's gone, she hangs her head, shoves the book at Dean and then takes off after him as the front door closes. She pushes through it and hurries down the porch steps as he walks, fast, to his car.

"Tony" she begs, he looks to her.

"I don't know who you people are" he starts. "But ya'll crazy" he waves his hands about. "Crazy" he opens his car door and she rushes forward and forces it closed. He shoots her a look.

"I.....hunt monsters, okay?" she admits to Tony. "That's what we do, that's...what I was raised to do"

"Yeah, right" Tony tries to open his car door again, Spencer slams it shut again.

"Tony, please listen to me" she begs. "I'm telling you the truth" she pleads. "You really think if I was going to explain all this that monster hunting is what I would use as a lie?" she asks him. He looks to her.

"So what? Monsters are real?" he asks her back, she nods. "Like.....vampires?" she nods. "Werewolves?" she nods again. "Ghosts?" she nods. "The Cookie Monster?" he asks, she shoots him a look. "Is he real?" he pushes.

"Tony" she warns.

"Is he?" he asks her completely serious.

"Not that I've seen" she answers tightly. "Will you please take this seriously?" she asks of him.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asks her.

"Would you have believed me?" she asks him. "Oh hey, guess what I go around shooting Casper with shot gun pellets filled with salt" he raises an eyebrow. "No, Casper is not real" she is quick to point out. "Look...I just didn't want you to think me crazy....I'm not crazy and I can prove it....just come back" she motions to the house. "You'll believe by the end" they share a look. "Tony" he begs and then takes a breath. "I you, which is why it was hard for me to tell you the truth....bad things happen to the people we care about most..." she lifts her eyes to his. "Our mother, Sam's girlfriend, Dad.....I was....I am scared, because now I have to worry about you and Trinity" she starts to cry. "And that scares me so much...." he brushes tears from her cheek and looks to her sadly. "I thought..." She sniffles. "I thought the less you knew, the less danger you were in"

(1) When We Collide (T. Stark)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat