Chapter Twenty Three

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Sam and Jake are walking out of a building in Cold Oak, heading outside into the rain.

"I think we can make it out of here now" Sam offers.

"But the Acheri demon..." Jake argues.

"No, no, no. Ava was summoning it, controlling it. It shouldn't come back now that she's dead. We gotta go"

"Not "we", Sam. Only one of us is getting out of here. I, I'm sorry" Jake corrects, Sam turns to him surprised.


"I had a vision. That Yellow-Eyed Demon or whatever it was, he talked to me. He told me how it was"

"No, Jake, listen. You can't listen to him"

"S-Sam, he's not letting us go" Jake tells him. "Only one. Now, if we don't play along, he'll kill us both. Now, I-I like you, man. I do. But do the math here. What good's it do for both of us to die? Now, I can get out of here. I get close to the demon, I can kill the bastard"

"You come with me, we can kill him together" Sam offers.

"How do I know you won't turn on me?"

"I won't"

"I don't know that"

"Okay, look" Sam takes out his knife, shows it to Jake, and places it on the ground. "Just come with me, Jake. Don't do this. Don't play into what it wants" After a pause, Jake places his weapon on the ground as well. Sam looks very relieved. "Okay" Suddenly, Jake punches him. With his super-strength, Sam goes flying across the field and crashes onto the ground. Jake approaches, kicking down the fence and leaning over Sam. Sam is on the ground, winded, and Jake and Sam watch each other as Jake approaches. As Jake suddenly makes a fast approach to kick Sam, Sam kicks out himself; the two exchange blows with Sam on the ground, and then he leverages himself up. Each land multiple blows; one blow hits Sam's right arm and shoulder with a bone-crunching sound, knocking him down again. He gets up quickly although clearly in pain. Jake approaches and swings at Sam, but Sam ducks out of the way and Jake's punch goes through a wooden railing, temporarily holding him. Sam knees him several times, then kicks him down. As Jake lies there, winded, Sam picks up the iron bar that Jake was using and knocks him out. Sam approaches the unconscious Jake and lifts the bar as if to strike – he hesitates a moment, then tosses the bar to the ground. Just as he tosses it aside, he hears from a distance Spencer calling his name.

"Sam!" Sam hears his twin sister, and turns toward her, still clutching his arm, and nearly staggering with exhaustion. He sees Spencer, Dean and Bobby approaching, with flash lights, towards him. They walk toward each other, in the rain.

"Spencer!" Sam shouts back, relieved and happy. "Dean" Jake suddenly wakes up. He grabs the knife that Sam had placed on the ground.

"Sam, look out!" Spencer warns starting to hurry to her brother.

"Sam!" Dean yells. Too late. Jake stabs the knife right through Sam's back. Dean takes off running for them, Spencer screams.

"Noooo!" Jake twists the knife, creating a massive wound, before running away. Sam, gasping, falls to his knees. While Bobby chases after Jake, Dean slides to the ground in front of Sam. He grabs at Sam's clothing, trying to keep him conscious. Spencer runs up behind them.

"No, Sam!" Sam falls forward onto Dean's shoulder. Dean looks up at Spencer, she drops to her knees at his side.

"No" she whispers as she starts to cry.

"Come here. Let me look at you" Dean tells Sam as he places his hand on the wound in Sam's back, covering his entire palm in blood. "Hey, look at me. It's not even that bad. It's not even that bad, all right? Sammy?" Dean is holding Sam, looking at him, and Sam's head is wobbling. "Hey, listen to me. We're gonna patch you up, okay? You'll be good as new. Huh? I'm gonna take care of you. I'm gonna take you care of you. I've got you. That's my job, right? Watch out for my pain-in-the-ass little brother?" Dean touches his brother's face. "Sam? Sam! Sam! Sammy!" Sam's eyes slide shut. His entire body slumps forward. Spencer's heart breaks in her chest.

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