Chapter 13

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The wolf finally managed to catch up with me. "Tachi, fetch my sword. You know where it is" I commanded the wolf and he nodded his head and left in a different direction. I made it just in time to hear the cries of the newborn. The scent was strong and it enveloped the whole castle, every part of me was on edge. There were yokai nearby, their scent made me growl and it was enough to cause my claws to sharpen. It would take a while for Tachi to bring me my sword so I had no choice but to fight with my claws.

The wind grew quiet, they were here. I counted about fifteen to twenty of them. Some were hiding in the trees and in the bushes while some didn't even bother hiding. "Leave this place and never return or else, consider yourselves warned" I threatened, my voice sounded more animalistic than I expected. "That child's blood will be mine!" they all said and I sighed. We were all waiting for someone to make the first move and I knew very well not be the one to do it. Luckily, I didn't have to. One of them moved for the attack and I cut him down quickly with my claws, savoring the slightly sour taste of yokai blood. "Anyone else?" I giggled then they all came rushing towards me. You think your numbers will have an advantage against me? I didn't attain the name of Japan's second deadliest yokai by being a delicate little flower.

I clawed at them, shredded them, cut them to pieces with my claws and when that wasn't enough, I tore them to pieces as a wolf. I lost count of how many I had killed but they just kept attacking me and I just kept fighting until the last of them were dead. Somehow I missed one and a shadow zipped past me, she was able to escape my claws but before she could set foot into the castle, someone killed her and he was someone I wanted to kill even more than the others. "What are you doing here, fox?" I questioned him with enough venom in my tongue to kill a whole herd of cows. "I was just passing through when I saw that you were having trouble so I helped"

"I didn't need your help. I'm not a damsel in distress, you shouldn't have wasted your time on me"


"Leave... your business is done here. I'm sure there are plenty of other women who would love to be rescued by you. I have business to attend to" he grabbed my wrist before I could even walk away and forced me to look at him. "Fox...let go of me or I swear I will cut your hand off!"

"No... not until you listen to what I have to say"

"Why would I? Every word that comes out of your mouth is a lie, a trick. I will not be fooled again. Now let me go!"

"No! I will never let you go and I don't care if I have to wait a hundred years for you to finally be willing to listen to me..." he leaned in closer, I could feel his breath on my ears "You will never escape me." I roughly pushed him away, the shards of my heart were now tearing me apart. "Then what?! What will it take for you to leave me alone? You've already made me suffer. You've already toyed with me, haven't you had enough?" my knees were wobbling so much that I was afraid that I would fall but nothing could hurt more than what this fox had done to me. "Okari...I'm sorry..."

"Heh...Is that all you have to say? Fine, you've said your peace now leave!"

"Okari, would you please just listen! "

" told me to wait for you. I waited, for so long I waited only to find out that you were already fooling around with someone else. I waited, Tomoe. I can't believe I ever thought that a fox could ever be sincere"

"Well what about you? I've waited so long for you too but you still run off doing whatever you want and you wear such inappropriate clothes that I even wonder if you haven't fooled around with anyone else while I was gone!" I was taken a back by his harsh words. My anger was at its peak and my nails were digging into the palms of my hands. "Okari...I-I didn't mean it...please, just listen to me-"

White Lotus: Okari (A Kamisama Kiss fanfic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now