Chapter 7

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"Where are you going?" Tomoe asked as I walked towards Lady Yukiji's house with a basket of fruits and vegetables on hand. "I'm going to visit Lady Yukiji. You should be going back to your brother. He may be wondering where you ran off to" I replied as he followed me. "I am not going anywhere without you"

"I will be fine, Tomoe. There is no need for you to follow me. You should be heading back to your brother..."

"Why are you so insistant on me returning to my brother? Do you not want my company...?" he suddenly grew quiet and I couldn't help but turn to him. My heart pulsed when I saw the look on his face. I sighed and slowly walked towards him. "That's not...*sigh* it's not because I don't enjoy your company, Tomoe. I'm just telling you that I am safe here but your brother needs you more than I do right now. He is in more danger than I am. Please...don't forget about your brother, he's the only family you have left. You are lucky to have family, cherish it. As for me...I promise I will be fine on my own" I cupped his cheek then kissed his forehead so that he wouldn't hesitate anymore.

He gazed softly at me then he smiled, "Promise me you'll stay out of trouble...promise me you'll stay safe"

I chuckled lightly then gave him a quick hug, "I promise..." he looked at me again before I pulled away from the hug. "Why is it so hard to say no to you?" he questioned, his playful smile returning. I giggled, "just go already so you'll be back sooner."

"Rest assured my lady, I'll be counting every moment that we're apart and I'll tell you the final score when I return 'til then, wait for me and I shall bring you back a gift" he spared one last glance at me then he turned around and walked away from me, towards the battlefield.


I knocked on the gate of Lady Yukiji's home, making sure that I looked human. The door opened to reveal Lady Yukiji in a very colorful kimono. "Oh, Okimi! It's been so long since I last saw you. I'm glad you're safe"

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked, she smiled warmly at me then said, "Let's talk inside, shall we?" I nodded and she beckoned me inside. "Oh! I brought you some fruits and vegetables fresh from the market to thank you" I said, handing her the basket. She chuckled lightly and took the basket from me, giving it to Futa. I was surprised to see him. The last time I saw him, he was but a mere child and now he seems to be in his early teens. Exactly how long has it been since I last visited?

Human life spans are indeed short. We went inside and talked for a bit while Futa served us tea. "So...why did you leave so suddenly? Is Reiko alright?" she asked and I tried to figure out an acceptable reason. "I-I'm sorry...I had to leave because of personal matters and I know I should have left a note but...I forgot. I guess Reiko followed me without me knowing and I only found out once I had reached my house. He went back home shortly after and I haven't seen him since but I know he's alive and well and I guess he's about Futa's age by now. I'm sorry...I really should have left a note. I worried you..." she reached for my shoulders and pulled me into her embrace. It felt warm and comforting.

"It's quite alright, I'm just glad the both of you are safe. Especially since there have been sightings of yokai in the forest not too far from here" she sighed with relief then she let go of her embrace. She stared at me again then spoke, "Okimi...may I ask you a question, from one lady to another?"

I nodded while I took a small sip of my tea. "What are your thoughts about...marriage?" she suddenly asked and I almost choked on my tea. "W-why the sudden question?" I stammered. "It's just...I'm not going to be young forever and I thought it would be finally time for me to marry. What do yout hink?"

"I-I-I think it's a good idea if you trully want it but I can't see myself marrying yet. Have you found a suitable suitor?" she fidgeted slightly then her cheeks suddenly flushed. "I-I have...he's a respectable young lord and he is kind and gentle. W-we're getting married two days from now" I gawked at her. Already?! How long has it been since I last saw her?

"I-I'm happy for you. You will make a fine wife and mother but just know that if he ever hurts you then you can always tell me and I'll deal with disciplining him" my eyes glowed mischievously as I held onto the handle of my katana. She chuckled lightly while she nodded in understanding. "What about you then? You don't look like you've aged a day since I last saw you, you must have a lot of suitors who are asking for your hand in marriage" she turned her gaze towards me and I chuckled. If I openly admitted that then Tomoe would hunt them down and get rid of them all. I swear, that fox is strange.

"As of now...there is this one man who keeps pestering me but I haven't given him my answer yet. I'm not ready for that kind of commitment, I'd much prefer to enjoy my life before I decide to settle down and have a family. I'm still young..." for a yokai maybe, but for a human I'm way passed the average lifespan of one. She chuckled again " are too young to worry about these things. Don't rush, alright?" I nodded and we began to talk about other things. After a while, it was time for me to leave. "Be careful on your way home!" Lady Yukiji said as I left her home to go back to mine. "I'll be back to see you off two days from now! Goodbye" I replied. So...Lady Yukiji is getting married already. I chuckled humourlessly to myself and began to wonder if I would have done that too if he hadn't left this world so soon. We did make plans to get married and have children no matter how wrong it was. It was strange for a human and a yokai to fall in love after all but...I loved him nonetheless and he loved me to.

I sighed to myself, a hundred years had passed already and yet I still keep thinking about what would've happened if he didn't leave this world so soon. Either way, I would've been left in this world even if I had married him. That thought made me realise that...maybe, just maybe I was ready to move on. It made me remember his final words, that I should continue on living without him and that I should move on, but one thing kept swimming in my mind. Although I had made my resolve to try and move on, to forget about the pain and grief, one question still filled me with curiosity and a bit of happiness, like it was his final effort to make me laugh even when he was long gone from this world. Human lifespans are indeed short...I wonder how long you would've lived...Riku.

White Lotus: Okari (A Kamisama Kiss fanfic) (Completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora