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Erin [freaked out, yelling]: THE PIZZA IS MADE OUT OF PEOPLE!!!

Everyone stares at Erin in disbelief, spits out their pizza, and runs out.

Ariel: Erin! Seriously? What's wrong now?!

Erin: What's wrong is that the pepperioni here is made out of humans!

Ariel: What?! I did not now that! FREDDY!!!!!

Freddy: What? I didn't do any-!

Erin: Then explain this!

Erin hands Freddy a note that says:

Dear reader, we must inform you that the meat here at Fazbear's is made out of humans. If anyone is allergic, please bring your own sack lunch.
~ Freddie Fazbaer

Freddy: What?! I didn't write that! I swear! My handwriting is bold and atrocious, that is flawless cursive.

Ariel: To be honest he is right about that.

Erin: But your name is written!

Freddy: That doesn't mean I wrote it. Plus, it's splet wrong.


Ariel: Just a precaution, Freddy I do have lie detector on my phone and in my home.

Freddy: Fine, scan me. Because I am-!

Ariel: Lying.

Freddy: What?! That's a lie!

Ariel: You're saying that the lie detector is lying?

Freddy: Yes.

Mike: Hey... what's going on?

Freddy: Mike! Help me! You're a security guard!

Mike: What, I just got here.

Freddy: Nope, you're helping me!

Mike: Why would I help you. You and your friends have tried to kill me numerous times.

Freddy: I'm a changed man.

Mike: Whatever, I'm going back to my office.

Freddy: Nope! You are going to help clear my name!

Mike: Your name was never clear.

Freddy [frustrated]: Just help me!

Mike: Fine, fine. What am I supposed to do?

Erin: Mike! The pizza is made out of people!

Mike: Really? You believe that crap?

Erin: Yes!

Mike: Wow...

Mike [to Ariel]: Don't tell me you believe it too.

Ariel: I think it's a possibility.

Freddy: Go to the kitchen and find traces of human!

Mike: Fine...

Mike goes into the kitchen, opens the freezer and screams....

Mike: OMG!!! WTF?!

Ariel: Mike?! What'd you see?

Brendan: Holy crap! He's ghostly white!

Mike almost faints as Dawn catches him before he hits the ground.

Dawn: Whoa Mr. Schmidt, don't want you fainting on us now.

Brendan: He's out cold! What do we do?

May: Slap him! *slaps Mike really hard*

Mike: Ow... what was that for?!

An Animatronic's Guide to Annoying Your Friends and Making the Readers LaughOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora