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Kitchen explodes.

Ariel: Rockstar Chica! What the hell (heck) was that?

Rockstar Chica: Sorry par'ner! Was just makein' some soup. That's all.

Ariel [suspiciously]: What type of soup?

Rockstar Chica: My specialty! Yall'll soon find out.

Ariel [suspiciously]: Alright...

Mike: Where is it?

Rockstar Chica: Right here, folks *carries pot of disgusting looking soup*

Ariel: Uh... what is that?

Rockstar Chica: It's the soup, obviously! Now lets eat.

Erin [whispers to Ariel]: Permission to jump out a window?

Ariel [whispers to Erin]: No. Lets just... eat it for Rockstar Chica's sake.

Erin [whispers to Ariel]: Hold up, I thought you hated her after blowing up the kitchen almost ten times!

Ariel [whispers to Erin]: Don't remind me.

Mike, Ariel, and Erin try the soup.

Erin: OMG! I think I'm going to die! This soup is EVIL!

Mike: Oh gosh... what is this new torture I'm experiencing?

Rockstar Chica: So.... what do you think? Good?

Mike [mad]: Good?! You think this is-

Ariel: I have one positive about this.

Erin & Mike [confused]: You do?!

Ariel: Yeah. I'm actually surprised I didn't die yet. That's improvement!

Rockstar Chica: So... does that mean you like it?

Ariel: Like it? Hell (heck) no. *pushes bowl of soup away*

Rockstar Chica [disappoionted]: Aww.....

Ariel: You'll get it. Just not now. Or ever.

Mike [sacrastically]: Wow. So inspirational. I need lessons from you.

Ariel: Sure!

Erin [concerned]: Guys...

Mike: Really?

Ariel: No!

Erin [annoyed]: Guys!

Mike [pouty]: You're not nice.

Erin [yelling]: GUYS!

Mike & Ariel [yelling]: WHAT?!

Erin: Look... *points at the soupy monster behind them*

Mike [scared]: Uh.... what should we do?

Ariel: We hug it.

Mike [terrifyed]: What?! Are you crazy?

Ariel [mad]: No! We run you idiot!

Rockstar Chica: Ahhhh! Wh-where we goin'?! What do we do with this... thing?!

Ariel: I don't know! But I do know one thing.

Rockstar Chica: And what's that?


Mike: Lets run first, then you can kill her.

Ariel: Fine!

Erin: I told you it was evil!!

An Animatronic's Guide to Annoying Your Friends and Making the Readers LaughDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora