A Boring Chapter

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Chica: Hey... uh, how are you?

Ariel: Tired.

Chica: Wanna do something?

Ariel: Did you not hear me before? I'm tired and I want to go and sleep.

Chica: Uh.. oh.. oh ok..

Chica: So... wanna go eat pizza?

Ariel: Chica, are you gonna keep asking me until I say, "yes"?

Chica: Maybe...

Ariel: Don't you have other versions of yourself? Maybe hanging out with them?

Chica: They're mean though...

Ariel: Your calling yourself mean?

Chica: No.. you are!

Ariel: I highly doubt that.

Chica: Please... just hang out with me!

Ariel: No! I'm gonna take a break... MIKE! YOU GET THE NEXT SHIFT!!

Mike [muffled]: Ok!

Chica: Wait! I'll be all alone..

Ariel: Go annoy Mike or something...

Chica: Ok!

Ariel: Cya!

Chica: Wait.. what if he stuffs me in a suit?

Ariel: -_-

Ariel: That's your job.

Chica: Oh, ok..

Ariel: Ok.. bye.

An Animatronic's Guide to Annoying Your Friends and Making the Readers LaughWhere stories live. Discover now