I have seen many works since I have travelled with father but none are quite like this, similar, but, in my opinion, not as good.

I walk up to the painting on my wall as Mae follows and look for the signature until I find it at the upper right hand corner.

"InTouch. Oh. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh...!" I whip around to look at Mae only to see him standing there instead. Huh?! My mind is all topsy turvy right now and I can't understand what I'm seeing.

"I did those."


"Yea. Pond told me you came by the office today as we were about to leave the site. I almost killed him. Ass. He had so much time to tell me and he waited until the end of the day. Anyway. It started out as something to pass the time. Also something like therapy. Turns out I was a lot better at it than I thought. Especially the sculpting and the clay. I'm not a great whittler thought. I suck at it quite a bit so I don't do it very often but I did do that piece holding your scented oil."

I look over and see the carved wooden bowl with the beautiful finish. It's a scene of two men, making love, I'm pretty sure. I blush but I also see the craftsmanship. It's not perfect but it was expertly done and it was marketable.

"Ae. You really... I am so shocked. I mean, I have seen you draw for school and so on so I knew you had some skill but I never realized you were actually this talented."

"Well I never cared for drawing or anything like that. I just wanted to put things together and watch them become something new but most importantly something that works. While you were gone, I needed to do something and I needed an outlet for all my feelings that running and working couldn't offer me. So one day I let ChaAim convince me into going to her pottery class and it all started from there."

As he spoke, Ae slowly moved to wards me and I to him.

Is it crazy to say we felt each other's pull like magnets? No? Then that overused comparison will have to work because one moment we were a room apart and the next moment we were face to face and he has touching me. Just rubbing his hand on my cheek the way he does that makes me feel treasured and I wanted, no, I needed more.

His name was on my lips when I moved in and kissed him.

Oh God. To describe this feeling. It is impossible.

I have wanted this so badly from the moment I saw him and to have him in front of me and touching me is too much.

My lips, my body, is greedy for his and are moving on their own accord. I try to stop myself because we haven't even said two words properly yet but it's too late.

Ae is now kissing me with ferocity. His tongue is kicking in my lips and I open for him with a moan. He slips inside me and sweeps my mouth before pulling away and I follow.

Our tongues are dueling and playing before I finally slip mine into his mouth and he sucks on it powerfully, making me feel as though he is sucking me down there.

It is such a lewd feeling and I almost come from just that.

Slowly he releases me, but it is too late. I am a quivering, begging mess and I am about to offer myself up as a sacrifice on his alter, willingly.

"Boys?" The sound of Mae's voice jolts me out of the hypnosis of Ae's eyes and I step back and look at her.

"Yes Mae?" I ask her quietly and blush at her knowing look but I don't look away. I refuse to feel guilty.


When Pond told me that Pete had shown up at the office to speak with Forth, I had been shocked to say the least. He hadn't said anything to me.

The Man I Became... Because of You (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now