Chapter 28 Gone Mad

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I stumbled into my London appartment. I felt numb, I had just gotten off my plane flight. my restless plane flight. The only thing on my mind was Harry, everything about him. I knew I should have told him I loved him too.
instead I looked down and he walked with me to my car. I had stayed there another week and three days, the exact time the Where We Are tour would end. I know, creepy right?
I hadn't seen Harry after that night, I wanted too, but I didn't have his number, or anyones number. I got a new phone and the only number in my phone was the one from Sam.
people had been following me everywhere, I had seen the media around too, but I never responded to them. I didn't even know how too, what was I supposed to say. that my name was Scarlett, because they knew that.
I dumped my bag on the ground and pulled off my shoes. I went to the empty kitchen. it was clean. really clean, everything was tidy. too tiddy. I screamed loudly. "FU.CK" I shouted. as I started to grab random object and threw them around me.
tears started to flow down my cheeks. I pulled open a drawer and started to throw things out of it, I messed up the whole kitchen up. I walked out of the kitchen, my hands touching the white walls.
"too tidy." I whispered. I walked into the hallway and threw paintings and frames off the wall onto the ground crushing them under my bare feet. I walked to the living room and started to ruin it too.
"Mess!" I screamed, I started to throw the pillows off the couch, I ripped them open making their contents spill over the floor. I walked towards the tv, I picked it up and dropped it, I laughed. I wasn't even sure what was funny.
I ran to my own room and saw my bed, perfectly made. I was pretty tidy before everyhing went wrong. I grabbed a stack of books and ripped pages out, I ruined my desk, I ripped my huge poser of Jack White off the wall.
I got my pillow and threw it on the ground, I grabbed the duvet and threw it beside the pillow. I laid on bed and looked up at the ceiling. "I'm a huge mess," my eyes closed and I fell asleep.
I woke up, my head throbbing. I got up, swinging my legs over the edge of my bed. Yesterday. I quickly held my head. What had gotten into me. I looked at my room.
books shattered over the floor, pages everywhere, my desk was a mess and my pillow and duvet were both on the ground. I picked both of them up and threw them onto my bed.
I stretched my back and decided to take a shower. a shower will do me well. I got up, stumbling over the books. I stepped over the shattered glass in the hallway. like it was normal! I mean, have I gone mad?
I got in the clean and still tidy bathroom. I turned on the shower and quickly stripped off my dirty clothes, throwing them somewhere on the ground.
I showered, and I felt relieved. I got out and dried myself, wrapping a towel around me. I got some clothes. A shirt and some sport shorts and then decided to call Sam.
"hey." she slurred, she must have just woken up or she's drunk. "what's wrong Scar?" she asked.
"I've gone mad." I tell her, making her laugh in return. I started to pace around my room, stepping on books while I did so.
"no, you're in love Scarlett, it's normal to feel like that."
"if you mean the clamy hands, my heart speeding up, my stomach butterflies, it's not what I mean." I told her.
"you must have gotten it high." she joked. "It can't be that bad, the first time I was in love, I jumped into the lake near by, to prove him I could swim."
"that's not what I have done, and I'm not even sure if it has anything to do with Harry." I told her, almost tripping, I just stepped on one of my bigger books.
"what have you done Scar?" she asked in a mocking tone.
"I trashed my home." I told her seriously, but she laughed. I picked up a book and placed it back on my books shelf.
"you had a party without me." I could only imagine her pout now. "that's rubbish."
"no, I would never have a party." she laughed. "I trashed my own house, alone, when I got back home." it was quiet on the other line.
"I don't believe you, you probably pulled your pillows of your couch and called it a day, you are the tiddiest person I know." she laughed, she didn't believe me.
"I'm going mad Sam, please can you come over?" I asked, almost begging. she agreed and after a fiteen mintues the doorbell rang.
she stepped into my hallway. her eyes widened. "you actually trashed your whole house." she said in astonishment. she looked at the walls, then she froze.
"Scar." she whispered. "there's blood on the walls, and on the floor." I looked down, and like she said, there was a whole puddle of blood on the floor, there were smears of blood on the walls, almost everywhere.
"how-" I looked at my hands, my left one had a small cut but my right one had a deep cut and there was still blood coming out of it. how did this happen?
"you have actually gone mad." Sam joked, I glared at her. "we need to get you to hospital you know." she told my calmly. I nodded my head.
"they will put me in a mental institute." I told her, she shook her head.
"you're not mental." she said. I frowned. "they will maybe ask what happened, we can tell them you were drunk and don't remember anything."
"they will check my blood, they'll find out I didn't drink." she frowned. "can't you stitch it up, I'm too young to be locked away." I was over reacting, my hand flying to my hair, I felt pain rush through me as I did that, the cut.
"we're going to the hospital anyway." she took my left hand and pulled me towards the door, I heard the glass crunch under her boots as they stung in my feet.
but it didn't hurt, I felt numb. I am mental, I am mad, I am crazy. I can hurt myself, I'll be locked away. I'm crazy, I'm mad, I've gone mad, I am mad.
she pushed my head into her car, my feet tickling from the cold. "I'm mad." I whispered. Sam sudddenly remembered something and pulled her phone out of her pocket not starting the car.
she hummed a few times and then handed me her phone. a deep voice that warmed my insides spoke. "Scar." he said carefully.
"Harry." I said. he sighed in relieve, like he didn't believe Sam when she told him she was going to hand the phone to me.
"I've missed you so much." Harry said happily. an unwanted smile plastered on my face.
"I missed you too, I really have." I said quietly, I was happy to hear his low raspy voice again.
"I tried to contact you, but you never answered your phone. So I thought you were ignoring me, so I was freaking out, really panicking you know." I giggled.
"that night, our last night, I threw my phone in the lake." I felt Sam's gaze on me, I hadn't told her about that night.
"oh." Harry said, "why did Sam decide to give me you today, I know something bad's up." he sounded concerned.
"Simply said, I've gone mad, so we're on our way to the hospitl right now." I told him. "and I'm not sure why Sam involved you in this."
"because I love you and I have a feeling you return those feelings." he said a bit hurt. "wait, the hosptial, are you alright? Scarlett, I'll be on my way." I heard shuffling from the other line and I knew he was getting dressed, or was getting his coat.
"Where do I have to be?" he asked me.
"the local hospital in London I guess, but Harry you don't have to come, it's just a cut." I told him reassuringly.
"just a cut, just a cut!" he asked dramatically. "if it was just a cut, you wouldn't have to go to the hostpital, I'm already out of the door." He told me and I heard the door slam shut behind him. is he in London too?
"alright, I guess I'll see you there." I told him. Sam started the car and drove off. I hung up after he said he would be there and I should be save.
"he's so in love with you." the bad feeling in my stomach came back again, the nagging feeling of guilt? love? I have no idea.
"stop, please." I beg her, I looked at my injured hand, and flinch. Blood was still dripping from it, hitting Sam's leather car seat. the wound looked pretty bad, it was deep, and there was some weird yellow liquid coming out of it, the skin around the wound was blue and red.
Sam stayed quiet the whole time, when we arrived at the hospital Sam went to the reception talking to a man.
"we have to wait." she had her arms crossed and huffed sitting down. "I mean, what kind of hospital is this, you're a celebrity." she gritted through her teeth.
"chill Sam, it's fine, they're probably really busy, it's just a cut." she shook her head at me.
"luckily Harry will be here soon." she mumbled. "he'll help you, he'll make sure you will be treated well." Harry probably would throw a fit knowing I wasn't helped immediately.
"at least we can wait for him now." the tugging feeling in my stomach got worse, making me feel sick.
we waited and twenty minutues or so later Harry entered the hospital. he was franticly looking around. he spotted me and ran towards me. he hugged me tightly. "oh I missed you Scar, are you okay?" I nodded my head.
"yeah, are you alright?" I asked him, he grinned.
"I am now." he winked. "wait, why are you here." I took my right hand in his and looked at the wound. "you're not being helped." he asked angrily. he jumped up and ran towards the man.
"what the he.ll!" he screamed at the man throwing his hands up. the man flinched. "she's sitting there with a god damned wound and you do nothing." he yelled. "what kind of hospital is this."
he was so close to hitting the guy straight in the face. the man was shaking, and he opened his mouth to respond. "She's not just somebody, she's Scarlett Greenwoods." some heads snapped at the mention of my name.
"I-I'll look wh-what I can do." the man said shaking, his hands were trembling as he picked up the phone. "he-ello." he said into the phone.
"this might so-sound weird." he was still shaking and looking up at Harry who was glaring at the poor lad. "but Harry Styles is screaming to me, saying Scarlett Greenwoods needs treatment." he waited for the response. "pl-please." he begged. he then sighed in relieve.
"there's going to come a docter who will look at her." Harry nodded, an approving smile on his face. he stalked back to me and sat next to me, wrapping an arm around the back of my chair.
I looked at Harry, feeling sick again, I felt like pucking, like drowing myself. The feeling in my stomach got worse by the second.
"Scarlett Greenwoods?" A doctor asked. he was pretty young, he had broad shoulders, and a mop of brown hair. I stood up, Harry following behind me. Sam staying behind.
"that's me I guess." I mumbled. Harry's arm sneaked around my waist, and I wanted to pull back, but I felt to weak, or I just didn't want to. I liked Harry's arm there.
"alright, I'm doctor Stevens, if you would please follow me."

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