Chapter 16 Beautiful

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Harry had been giving strange answers throughout their date. He seemed to be wandering off. "I need to ask you something serious." he broke a silence that had appeared once the desserts had arrived.
"ask anything you want." I replied not getting why he was so serious all of sudden. But I understood this was the thing that had been bothering him the whole date.
"about Scarlett." he said awkwardly. "is she... does she sing?" he asked finally, he couldn't find the words to ask this. I didn't say anything, I couldn't, I didn't know what to say.
I couldn't lie, he was Samantha's boyfriend. but if I didn't lie he would think she was- I don't know what he would think. but it couldn't be pretty.
"I mean, your voice when you're on stage, is that Scarlett." he asked again, thinking Samantha didn't understand the question.
"yes." I finally said. "I won't lie to you, yes she is the voice. We've been doing this since I started making YouTube videos." I told him. "we decided this would be the best way." Harry didn't reply.
I was afraid he had left, I hadn't heard a chair scrapping against the floor confirming my thoughts. but he didn't say a thing.
"okay." he said carefully. "that's- I'm not sure how to feel about this, does Scarlett agree on this? you getting everything she's meant to get." I wanted to defend her saying she did things too. she handled the media, the fans, the hate, she was the one preforming.
but I couldn't. Samantha lied to me, she lied to me about being my friend. she thought I was horrible. "I don't know." I replied. "I never talk with her about those things." I said,
"I'm sorry Sam, I need to go, I need some distance, please don't be mad." this time I heard the chair scrapping against the floor. Now Harry left.
I didn't know why I helped Samantha with her date. Maybe it was because I had already agreed to it, or maybe I just couldn't let her down, maybe there was a little bit of hope inside of me saying she was lying.
Samantha looked at me angrily, glaring at me. almost as angry as she had been the day at the concert. "you just ruined my relationship." she cried. She had come to my apartment after Harry had left.
"No, that's not what happened." I told her calmly. "he just said he needed time." I didn't feel sorry for her. I even think Harry was too good for her. After that night Harry hadn't said a mean word to me. he even smiled at me once.
"everyone knows that means we're going to break-up." Samantha put her hands in her sides, like saying it was all my fault. But I knew it wasn't. if they broke-up because of this, it was just the way it had to be.
she had to tell him at one point she didn't actually sing. If they got into a serious relationship. Then Harry would think their relationship was based on lies. I frowned. Their relationship was build on lies.
"If you say so." I shrugged, not feeling like I should make her feel better. I didn't even feel bad for not doing so.
"Scar!" she cried. "you should be making me feel better and not be here agreeing with me." I just shrugged again. she glared at me and then left.
we didn't talk for two days, I picked up contact with Niall and Alex again. Alex told me he would be leaving in two days. We decided we should spend a whole day on Alex. we went to the mall and bought him a new phone like I said I would.
We bought ice cream and went to the park. we ate dinner at the park, looking at the water. we talked, and Alex said he would never forget us.
Niall had taken his guitar with him and he started to play. he started to sing one of their songs. Best Song Ever. I sang with him. we didn't even sound that bad together.
"thank you guys." Alex smiled a bright smile. "you guys are the best friends I could've ever wished for." he grinned at us and hugged us.
"we so need to have a picture of us together." I got up from my feet, holding my phone in my hands. "ma'am?" I asked a middle aged woman.
she looked up suprised. "could you take a few pictures of us?" I asked her, pointing to Alex and Niall. she nodded her head and took my phone.
first we took a photo of us just smiling, then Alex pushed me against Niall making me squeal. I got Alex back by rubbing his head making his hair a mess. the fourth picture was of us laughing our heads off.
"thank you so much." I said as I took my phone back. she looked at me suspiciously.
"you're that Scarlett girl right?" she asked, surprising me.
"I-I'm sorry but what?" Why would she know my name, how does she know me. is she from the media?
"you're that girl with an amazing voice right? Scarlett Green or something. You're the voice of Samantha Taylor. yes I'm sure of it."
"how, do you know that?" I asked doubtfully.
"oh dear, everyone knows that Samantha is fake after the fragments of you coming on stage no one ever doubted that. You are amazing, can I have you autograph my daughter adores you." she started to look for something in her bag. she got out a pen and paper.
I looked at it, not sure what to do. I shakily took the pen and paper, scribbling my autograph on there. she just asked for my autograph. mine! it all seemed so surreal.
"thank you." the woman beamed at me. I walked back to Niall and Alex, feeling numb and frozen. I sat down, eyes wide and just staring in front of me.
"is she still alive?" Alex asked Niall jokingly. Niall poked my cheek but I didn't react.
"I'm afraid so." Niall replied. Then I screamed, horrified. How could this happen! she said most people thought Samantha was fake. How could this happen. She told me she adored me. how could this happen.
"this can't be happening, everything's going wrong." I said. Niall just laughed at me.
"you can't be serious right? didn't you notice any of this?" he asked me, looking at me funnily. Alex had the same weird expression on his face.
"that woman just asked for my autograph and told me I have an amazing voice, I am really serious." I snapped at Niall, he only thought this was amusing.
"people love you Scarlett, they are saying they have never liked Samantha anyway. Since that night, you've been trending on twitter. People are asking for pictures, wanting interviews with you. Your fans are called Scars, if you like to know."
I felt lost, completely lost. I didn't know what to feel, but I could make out one of the mixed emotions I was feeling. Happiness. I felt happy, happy knowing people could love me for me. or at least like me.
"this is weird." I told them. Alex and Niall smiled at each other. "thank you," I said suddenly hugging them tightly.
"thank you thank you thank you thank you." I kept repeating it over and over again. They were the reason people knew I was the voice. I couldn't let them go as tears rolled down my cheeks.
"thank you thank you." I sobbed. Niall rubbed my back softly. Alex pulled my face back, so I could look at both of them.
"you deserve it Scar." and they meant it. "because you're beautiful, not only from the inside but also from the outside."
And for the first time I believed him. I believed I could be beautiful.

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