Twenty two.

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A bit of a shorter chapter, not the best I've written and it isn't edited. But it's the third day in a row with a new chapter so I think it's safe to say that I'm on a roll!

Kellin's POV:

Vic was seriously so sleepy as we got to the hotel, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't kind of tired as well. He seemed to fall asleep only seconds after throwing the blanket over us. My own breathing got heavier within seconds as well and I had fallen asleep shortly after him.

I woke up after probably fifteen, twenty minutes so I guess I wasn't more tired than a quick nap being enough for me. Vic on the other hand, is so far still asleep.

I'm trapped in his arms, but luckily I put the paper down on the nightstand table next to the bed so as I reach my arm out as much as I can, I manage to get hold of the paper. Vic makes a little noise of complaint in his sleep but doesn't seem to wake up from my movements and so I shift around to my stomach in order to be able to read it easier.

I read through the paper, not finding a single flaw with this place. It's literally just information about what kind of decorations they don't have there, what it costs with the different services and how much you'd have to pay in case you were to break something or mess the place up somehow.

"Mm babe?" Vic's voice makes me realize that he's woken up and I look over at him.

He scoots closer to me so that he's able to read the paper as well and since I've already finished reading it, I put it down in front of him so he can see it more easily since it isn't like I need it anyway.

I follow Vic's gaze as he reads through the paper, looking for a reaction in his eyes. Though he doesn't show much what he's thinking until he's finished the paper and there's a bright smile lighting up his whole face.

"I really think that this is our place," he says, causing me to smile as brightly as he is doing.

"I really think so too," I tell him and this time I see a bit of relief in his eyes as my words seem to have decided it for the both of us.

"So, if you think this is our place, and I think this is our place, I guess it is so."

"Yeah.. it is."

I snuggle into Vic's arms once again, him wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug that I happily accept. He kisses my forehead and we stay like that for a moment, snuggled up in bed, in a tight hug as I'm sure the same thought that is running through my head is running through his as well. We're getting married, and it's getting closer each day. Now, now we even know where we'll be getting married.

I'm the first to pull away from the hug, looking at the paper to see what the name of their website was as I'd forgotten. As I find it, I bring my phone out of my pocket and enter the web address.

There's a form to fill out with names, address, phone number and all those kind of things. We put all the information in, and the date that the wedding is planned for. Even though, we never decided to one hundred percent as we didn't know whether the place we would find would be free that day or not.

I hold Vic's hand as we wait for the website to load, my pulse getting higher by the second as I fear that it'll say that date isn't free. Luckily though, luck is on our side and the date is in fact free. Just a few more clicks and it's finished and official. The farmhouse is rented for September 30th. It's rented for our wedding.


The feeling of butterflies in my stomach remains for the rest of the night. As we go to get takeout dinner, as we come back to the hotel, as we get ready for bed. All throughout the night it's like I'm having butterflies in my stomach, and can't help but feel all giddy.

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