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Kellin's POV:
After Jenna and Alex had left and Vic and  I had dinner, I prepared the fourth cup of tea for myself and Vic's first for today. I have truly changed my boyfriend's eating habits so much I've realized.

Sure, switching coffee for tea that's kind of something I've forced him to do since I won't kiss anyone who has recently been drinking coffee. But honestly, I make great food, great breakfast and the greatest tea. So really, he should be happy about that.

"It seems like you guys have figured some stuff out already," Vic speaks as I put down the cups in front of him.

He's been flipping through the notebook I brought out, where I doodled down and wrote down the ideas I really liked from Alex's folder. I also drew a messy image of what I imagnied wanting Jenna's dress to look like.

"Yeah, mostly just idea though. The three of us will probably go look for their clothes together, if that's fine with you, and I might get Jenna to help me pick out some of the flowers. But the cake and bigger decorations, that's something I want you and I to pick out."

"Ooh, cake!" Vic beams, looking up into the sky as if he's a cartoon character imagining the cake in front of him. For someone who practically has abs, and works out six times a week, he sure has a sweettooth.

"Babe, focus!" I snap my fingers in front of him, making him look at me and actually focus on me.

"Sorry.. maybe I didn't eat enough dinner," he mumbles, making me smile at how adorable he is currently being. Vic doesn't really like it when I call him adorable, as he's always so stubborn about me being the adorable one in our relationship.

Yeah sure, I am adorable. But that doesn't mean Vic can't be adorable as well!

"Speaking of dinner. Since we're talking about wedding, I've been thinking about family and such things. It feels like it's been a while since we spent time with my mom, and I know she misses me living there. I don't think she was ready for me to move out while so young, you know?"

"Yeah, I get that. I mean, no mom wants their kid to move from home too soon. Should we invite her over for dinner or something, is that what you were thinking?"

"I guess so, something like that. Maybe go out to eat or eat here or go there and make dinner together. I think she'd appreciate if we show her we want to spend time with her."

"You're such a good son." Vic pulls me closer to him, kissing the side of my head before picking up his cup of tea from the table.

"I'll call her in a bit and ask about it. I'll text Jenna and Alex as well, to check if they'd like to come with us as well."

"Sounds good darling."

Vic and I spend some time to just sit in the couch and have a chill time together, drinking our tea mostly in silence before I text my friends to ask them about the idea. My mom and they have met so many times, it's literally like they're her kids as well.


I called my mom, asking her about this and she was beyond excited for us to come over there. She didn't feel too much like cooking so she asked if we all wanted to come over for a night with board games and chips or such.

I told her that Vic and I will definitely be there, even if I didn't ask Vic before saying yes for him. I texted Jenna and Alex, asking if they wanted to come over too, soon getting a yes in response from the both so with that I call my mom back again.

"Hey mom, Jenna and Alex will be there as well. Is Charlie gonna be there too?"

"Oh, I haven't actually asked him. I don't know if he'd be comfortable meeting all of you at the same time, but I can always call him and ask. Come by around seven tomorrow, okay? But have dinner at home first, I am not feeding that many people," she says tiredly and I just chuckle at her.

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