Part 13: Who Do You Trust?

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Alfred watched the scene before him with mixed emotions.

Yes, Oliver was good to him, but... this wasn't right.

He watched as Ollie forced Ivan onto his knees.

Alfred locked eyes with the Russian.

Sky-blue clashed with royal purple and suddenly, Alfred knew.

He knew what he wanted.

"Oliver." He said in a shaky voice. "STOP."

Oliver looked at him. Shock quickly turned into a mischievous grin. "You really thought this was about you? Please." Oliver walked up to the merman and slapped him.

Alfred glared at the Brit who gave him an insane grin. "It didn't have to be this way, love. We could have been happy together, but you ruined it. Why do you think your family hates you? Why do your friends betray you? It's because you're weak."

"Alfie..." Matthew said with desperate eyes. "He's lying. I love you. We love you."

Alfred frowned. "I... Mattie, I-"

Andres kicked him in the stomach. He groaned.

"Listen to Oliver." He said sharply."


"Enough thinking, who do you trust?" Francois glared at him.



"Alfred..." Ivan cried desperately. "My whole life, everyone was scared of me. Everyone ran away. Everyone... except you. You weren't afraid. Da, we are enemies, but it was the first bond I ever had. Don't leave me. I promise... I'll never leave you... I love you."

"Ivan, I... I love you too." He started thrashing, the surprise made Andres and Fracois let go.

Oliver glared at them, advancing with his knife.

"This...ends... NOW."

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