"Hey Crowley I was wondering..." Crowley wasn't paying attention. "Hey! Crowley!"

"Castiel Novak why are you here with Dean Winchester of all people?" Crowley has an evil smirk.

"We wanted to make a deal." Cas said

"Again? Castiel you can't keep making deals."

"Again? What dose he mean again Cas?" I was slightly angry.

"You haven't told him yet?" Crowley touted.

"Cas, what dose he mean?" I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Well when I was a freshman..." Cas paused. "... Crowley found out I was gay and... and was going to tell everyone, so I made a deal"

"What was the deal Cas" I was worried.

"Well, my brother Lucifer was once the lord of the school and I was supposed to become the next lord but Crowley said that if I gave him the spot that he wouldn't tell everyone that I was gay" Cas shivered into my shoulder embraced "Well it's not like I would have done a good job anyway" he took his head from my shoulder.

"Don't say that!" I whispered into his ear.

"So Crowley Jo and Naomi are planning to tell you that Cas and I are dating so could we make a deal to make you not tell the whole school..."

"Of corse all the pretty ones are taken I guess I owe Sam 10 dollars" Crowley ignored the question.

"Will you please give us a Deal!" I was about to slap him.

"Can you two play baseball?" Crowley asked

"Umm yes?" I responded.

"I can" Cas said concerned.

"Ok I won't tell the whole school if you two can play for Nick and Jimmy in the game tonight and maybe more nights."

"Cas do you-" I was interrupted

"Yes!" Cas' voice shook.

"Ok then I agree two." I was surprised by how quickly Cas had answered.

"Perfect follow me" Crowley ran down to the field where the coach and players were all standing. "Dad I found people to replace Nick and Jimmy!"

"That's wonderful Fer- Crowley" what was his dad about to call Crowley? "What are there names?"

"I'm Dean and this is Castiel." Me and Cas put our hands out to shake.

"So can you boys play?"

"Yup, Who are we going agents?" I asked

"The Hunters of Kansas' mercury high school. My eyes widened... I- I used to go to mercury high.

"O-okay Let's Do this" My voice shook what if- if Ansem Weems is there?

"You're Dean Winchester aren't you." Ansem said

"Yeah what of it?" I asked, Ansem raised his fist I dodged and stuck my foot out Ansem tripped.

"Oh you think you're so clever don't you Dean Winchester" he said my name like it was a curse word.

"I like to think so" Ansem got up and tried to punch me again I grabbed his fist and twisted his arm down.

"Damn You Winchester if you think you can fuck with me all year you're in for a world of pain!" Ansem was vary angry and Mrs. Gallagher walked by she hated Ansem after what he was doing to her son Andrew and always tried to get him in trouble.

"Mr. Weems!" She shouted.

"Mrs Gallagher uh it was Dean!" He tried to blame it on me.

"I didn't do anything Mrs. Gallagher, Ansem was trying to attack me I was just defending myself" I said calmly knowing she was going to take him to the office. He got suspended for two days and kept on trying to beat me up and probably still held a grudge to this day he heated me.

"Dean are you ok?" Cas asked me I was spacing out and mumbling to myself.


"So the game plan..." the coach said the plan.

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